GURLS++  2.0.00
C++ Implementation of GURLS Matlab Toolbox
gurls::gMat2D< T > Class Template Reference

gMat2D implements a matrix of generic size More...

#include <gmat2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for gurls::gMat2D< T >:
Collaboration diagram for gurls::gMat2D< T >:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

BaseArray< T > & add (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place addition to a vector.
bool allEqualsTo (const T &val) const
 Returns true if all elements of the matrix are equals to a value val.
gVec< T > * argmax (int order)
 Returns a vector containing the largest elements along the columns if order == COLUMNWISE or along the rows if order == ROWWISE.
gVec< T > * argmin (int order)
 Returns a vector containing the smallest elements along the columns if order == COLUMNWISE or along the rows if order == ROWWISE.
void asarray (T *v, unsigned long n) const
 Copies n elements from this vector to a new buffer v.
gVec< T > asvector () const
 Returns a vector containing the linearized matrix.
const T * begin () const
 Returns a const pointer to the begin of vector buffer.
T * begin ()
 Returns a non-const pointer to the begin of vector buffer.
bool closeTo (const BaseArray< T > &, T tolerance) const
 Checks if vector values are element by element close to a given array.
unsigned long cols () const
 Returns the number of columns.
gMat2D< bool > & compare (T &threshold, std::string logical_operator=GreaterEq) const
 Compares each element of the matrix with the threshold and returns a matrix with elements set to true or false depending on the comparison operator passed as parameter.
BaseArray< T > & divide (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place element by element division by a vector.
const T * end () const
 Returns a const pointer to the end of vector buffer.
T * end ()
 Returns a non-const pointer to the end of vector buffer.
const T * getData () const
 Returns a const pointer to the vector buffer.
T * getData ()
 Returns a non-const pointer to the vector buffer.
unsigned long getSize () const
 Returns vector length.
 gMat2D (unsigned long r=0, unsigned long c=0)
 Initializes a r-by-c matrix.
 gMat2D (T *buf, unsigned long r, unsigned long c, bool owner)
 Initializes an r-by-c matrix from a data buffer.
 gMat2D (const gMat2D< T > &other)
 Constructor form an existing gMat2D.
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &, const unsigned int)
 Deserializes the vector from a generic archive.
void load (const std::string &fileName)
 Deserializes the matrix from file.
void lowertriangular (gMat2D< T > &lo) const
 Clears the upper triangle of a matrix.
const T & max () const
 Returns a reference to the element with the largest value in the vector.
gVec< T > * max (int order)
 Returns a vector containing the largest elements along the columns if order == COLUMNWISE or along the rows if order == ROWWISE.
const T & min () const
 Returns a reference to the element with the smallest value in the vector.
gVec< T > * min (int order)
 Returns a vector containing the smallest elements along the columns if order == COLUMNWISE or along the rows if order == ROWWISE.
BaseArray< T > & multiply (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place element by element multiplication by a vector.
T & operator() (unsigned long row, unsigned long col)
 Provides access to the elements of the matrix in a Matlab style: M(r,c)
gVec< T > operator() (unsigned long i)
 Returns a vector containing the elements at the i-th column.
gVec< T > operator() (unsigned long i) const
 Returns a vector containing the elements at the i-th column.
gMat2D< T > operator* (T) const
 Returns a matrix containing the multiplication of the matrix by a scalar.
gMat2D< T > operator* (const gMat2D< T > &) const
 Returns the element-by-element multiplication between two matrices.
BaseArray< T > & operator*= (T)
 Multiplies all elements by a scalar.
gMat2D< T > & operator*= (const gMat2D< T > &)
 In-place element-by-element multiplication by a matrix.
gMat2D< T > operator+ (T) const
 Returns a matrix containing the sum between the matrix and a scalar.
gMat2D< T > operator+ (const gMat2D< T > &) const
 Returns the element-by-element sum of two vectors.
BaseArray< T > & operator+= (T)
 Adds a value to all elements.
gMat2D< T > & operator+= (const gMat2D< T > &)
 In-place element-by-element addition to a matrix.
gMat2D< T > operator- () const
 Inverts elements sign.
gMat2D< T > operator- (T val) const
 Returns a matrixr containing the difference between the matrix and a scalar.
gMat2D< T > operator- (const gMat2D< T > &v) const
 Returns the element-by-element difference between two matrices.
BaseArray< T > & operator-= (T)
 Subtracts a value to all elements.
gMat2D< T > & operator-= (const gMat2D< T > &v)
 In-place element-by-element subtraction to a matrix.
gMat2D< T > operator/ (T val) const
 Returns a matrix containing the division of the matrix by a scalar.
gMat2D< T > operator/ (const gMat2D< T > &) const
 Returns the element-by-element division between two matrices.
BaseArray< T > & operator/= (T)
 Divides all elements by a scalar.
gMat2D< T > & operator/= (const gMat2D< T > &)
 In-place element-by-element division by a matrix.
gMat2D< bool > & operator< (T threshold) const
 Compares each element of the matrix with the threshold and returns a matrix with elements set to true where element < threshold, or false where element >= threshold.
gMat2D< bool > & operator<= (T threshold) const
 Compares each element of the matrix with the threshold and returns a matrix with elements set to true where element <= threshold, or false where element > threshold.
gMat2D< T > & operator= (const gMat2D< T > &other)
 Assignment operator.
gMat2D< T > & operator= (const T &val)
 Sets all elements of the matrix to the value specified in val.
gMat2D< bool > & operator== (T threshold) const
 Compares each element of the matrix with the threshold and returns a matrix with elements set to true where element == threshold, or false where element != threshold.
gMat2D< bool > & operator> (T threshold) const
 Compares each element of the matrix with the threshold and returns a matrix with elements set to true where element > threshold, or false where element <= threshold.
gMat2D< bool > & operator>= (T threshold) const
 Compares each element of the matrix with the threshold and returns a matrix with elements set to true where element >= threshold, or false where element < threshold.
gVec< T > operator[] (unsigned long i) const
 Returns a vector containing the elements at the i-th row.
gVec< T > operator[] (unsigned long i)
 Returns a vector containing the elements at the i-th row.
void randomize ()
 Initializes the vector with pseudo-random values.
void readCSV (const std::string &fileName, bool colMajor=true)
 Read the matrix from a CSV file.
gMat2D< T > & reciprocal () const
 Returns matrix element-by-element multiplicative inverse.
void reshape (unsigned long r, unsigned long c)
 Reshapes the matrix to r-by-c size.
void resize (unsigned long n)
 Resizes the vector to length n.
void resize (unsigned long r, unsigned long c)
 Resizes the matrix to r-by-c size.
unsigned long rows () const
 Returns the number of rows.
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &, const unsigned int) const
 Serializes the vector to a generic archive.
void save (const std::string &fileName) const
 Serializes the matrix to file.
void saveCSV (const std::string &fileName) const
 Saves the matrix into a CSV file.
void set (const T *v, unsigned long n, unsigned long start=0)
 Copies n elements of a given vector v to this vector starting from start.
void setColumn (gVec< T > &vec, unsigned long i)
 Sets the elements at the i-th columns.
void setDiag (gVec< T > &vec)
 Sets the elements on the matrix diagonal.
BaseArray< T > & setReciprocal ()
 In-place multiplicative inverse of each element.
void setRow (gVec< T > &vec, unsigned long i)
 Sets the elements at the i-th row.
void submatrix (const gMat2D< T > &other, unsigned long r, unsigned long c)
 Copies a r-by-c submatrix into a new matrix.
BaseArray< T > & subtract (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place subtraction to a vector.
sum () const
 Returns the sum of all elements in the vector.
gVec< T > * sum (int order) const
 Returns a vector containing the sums of the elements along the columns if order == COLUMNWISE or along the rows if order == ROWWISE.
void transpose (gMat2D< T > &transposed) const
 Transpose the matrix.
void uppertriangular (gMat2D< T > &up) const
 Clears the lower triangle of a matrix.
virtual std::string what () const
 Returns a string description of the matrix.
gVec< T > & where (const gMat2D< bool > &comparison) const
 Returns a vector containing all matrix elements where comparison matrix == true.

Static Public Member Functions

static gMat2D< T > diag (gVec< T > &diagonal)
 Returns a squared matrix initialized in the diagonal with values from diagonal.
static gMat2D< T > eye (unsigned long n=0)
 Returns a n-by-n identity matrix.
static gMat2D< T > rand (unsigned long r=0, unsigned long c=0)
 Returns a r-by-c matrix initialized with pseudo-random values.
static gMat2D< T > zeros (unsigned long r=0, unsigned long c=0)
 Returns a r-by-c matrix of all zeros.

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string Equal = "=="
 String for == operator.
static const std::string Greater = ">"
 String for > operator.
static const std::string GreaterEq = ">="
 String for >= operator.
static const std::string Less = "<"
 String for < operator.
static const std::string LessEq = "<="
 String for <= operator.

Protected Member Functions

void alloc (unsigned long n)
 Allocates the n elements data buffer.

Protected Attributes

T * data
 Pointer to the data buffer.
bool isowner
 Flag indicating whether vector has ownership of (and has to deallocate in destructor) the pointed buffer or not.
unsigned long numcols
 Number of columns.
unsigned long numrows
 Number of rows.
unsigned long size
 Data buffer length.


class boost::serialization::access
template<typename U >
void dot (const gMat2D< U > &, const gMat2D< U > &, gMat2D< U > &)
 General Matrix-Matrix multiplication of two matrices.
template<typename U >
void dot (const gMat2D< U > &, const gVec< U > &, gVec< U > &)
 General Matrix-Vector multiplication of a matrix with a vector.
template<typename U >
gMat2D< U > operator* (U val, const gMat2D< U > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the multiplication of a matrix by a scalar.
template<typename U >
gMat2D< U > operator+ (U val, const gMat2D< U > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the sum between a matrix and a scalar.
template<typename U >
gMat2D< U > operator- (U val, const gMat2D< U > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the difference between a matrix and a scalar.
template<typename U >
gMat2D< U > operator/ (U val, const gMat2D< U > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the division of a matrix by a scalar.
template<typename U >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const gMat2D< U > &)
 Writes matrix information and data to a stream.
template<typename U >
bool operator== (const BaseArray< U > &, const U &)
 Checks if all elements in a vector are equal to a given value.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class gurls::gMat2D< T >

Template Parameters:
TCells type.

Definition at line 78 of file gmat2d.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T >
gurls::gMat2D< T >::gMat2D ( T *  buf,
unsigned long  r,
unsigned long  c,
bool  owner 

If ownership == true the class will take the ownership of the buffer

Definition at line 57 of file gmat2d.hpp.

                                                                       : numcols(c), numrows(r)
        this->set(buf, r*c);
        this->isowner = owner;
        this->data = buf;

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
void gurls::gMat2D< T >::reshape ( unsigned long  r,
unsigned long  c 

Warning: r*c must be equals to numrows * numcols

Definition at line 160 of file gmat2d.hpp.


    if (r*c != this->size)
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Invalid_Reshape_Arguments);

    this->numcols = c;
    this->numrows = r;
template<typename T >
void gurls::gMat2D< T >::submatrix ( const gMat2D< T > &  other,
unsigned long  r,
unsigned long  c 

The input parameter other is supposed to be already initialized with a number of rows equal to r and columns equal to c.

Definition at line 89 of file gmat2d.hpp.

    const unsigned long cols = std::min(other.numcols, this->numcols-c);
    const unsigned long rows = std::min(other.numrows, this->numrows-r);

    for(unsigned long i=0; i< cols; ++i)
        copy( + r +((c+i)*this->numrows), + (i*other.numrows), rows);
template<typename T >
void gurls::gMat2D< T >::transpose ( gurls::gMat2D< T > &  transposed) const

The input parameter transposed is supposed to be already initialized with a number of rows and columns equal to the number of columns and rows, respectively, of this matrix.

Definition at line 99 of file gmat2d.hpp.

    if(this->numrows != transposed.numcols || this->numcols != transposed.numrows)
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    gurls::transpose(this->data, this->numrows, this->numcols,;

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