GURLS++  2.0.00
C++ Implementation of GURLS Matlab Toolbox
gurls Namespace Reference

The main namespace of GURLS++. More...


class  BadConfidenceCreation
 BadConfidenceCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown confidence method. More...
class  BadKernelCreation
 BadKernelCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown kernel. More...
class  BadNormCreation
 BadNormCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown norm. More...
class  BadOptimizerCreation
 BadOptimizerCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown optimizer. More...
class  BadParamSelectionCreation
 BadParamSelectionCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown parameter selection method. More...
class  BadPerformanceCreation
 BadPerformanceCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown performance evaluator. More...
class  BadPredictionCreation
 BadPredictionCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown prediction method. More...
class  BadPredKernelCreation
 BadPredKernelCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown prediction kernel. More...
class  BadSplitCreation
 BadSplitCreation is thrown when factory tries to generate an unknown split method. More...
class  BaseArray
 BaseArray is the base class for all classes implementing vectors and matrices as arrays of cells. More...
class  BlasUtils
 BlasUtils is a convenience class to interface with Blas. More...
class  ConfBoltzman
 ConfBoltzman is the sub-class of Confidence that computes the probability of belonging to the highest scoring class. More...
class  ConfBoltzmanGap
 ConfBoltzmanGap is the sub-class of Confidence that computes a confidence estimation for the predicted class (i.e. More...
class  ConfGap
 ConfGap is the sub-class of Confidence that computes a confidence estimation for the predicted class. More...
class  Confidence
 Confidence is the class that computes a confidence score for the predicted labels. More...
class  ConfMaxScore
 ConfMaxScore is the sub-class of Confidence that computes a confidence estimation for the predicted class (i.e. More...
class  Functor
class  gException
 gException is the class designed to deal with exceptions in Gurls++ package. More...
class  gMat2D
 gMat2D implements a matrix of generic size More...
class  GPRWrapper
 GPRWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that implements ... More...
class  GURLS
 GURLS is the class that implements a GURLS process. More...
class  GurlsOption
 GurlsOption is an abstraction of a generic `option', which is widely used within the GURLS++ package to store either numeric parameters necessary to configure specific algorigms or sequences of strings holding the names of the specific procedures that have to be performed. More...
class  GurlsOptionsList
 GurlsOptionsList is an option containing a list of options mapped by name. More...
class  GurlsWrapper
 GurlsWrapper is the base class for all gurls++ wrappers. More...
class  gVec
 gVec implements a vector of generic length More...
class  ICholWrapper
class  Kernel
 Kernel is the class that computes the kernel matrix. More...
class  KernelChisquared
 KernelChisquared is the sub-class of Kernel that builds the kernel matrix for a chi-squared model. More...
class  KernelLinear
 KernelLinear is the sub-class of Kernel that builds the kernel matrix for a linear model. More...
class  KernelRBF
 KernelRBF is the sub-class of Kernel that builds the Gaussian kernel matrix. More...
class  KernelRLSWrapper
 KernelRLSWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that implements Regularized Least Squares with a possibly non-linear model by resorting to kernel methods. More...
class  KernelWrapper
 KernelWrapper is the base class for all gurls++ wrappers. More...
class  LtCompare
 Auxiliary class performing floating point comparison used for std routines. More...
class  Max
 Computes the largest element in a vector v of lenght n. More...
class  Mean
 Computes the mean value of a vector v of lenght n. More...
class  Median
 Computes the median value of a vector v of lenght n. More...
class  Min
 Computes the smallest element in a vector v of lenght n. More...
class  Norm
 Norm is a class that spherifies the data. More...
class  NormL2
 NormL2 is the sub-class of Norm that spheriphies the data according to the l2 norm. More...
class  NormTestZScore
 NormTestZScore is the sub-class of Norm that spheriphies the data according to the statistics cmoputed on the training set. More...
class  NormZScore
 NormZScore is the sub-class of Norm that centers and rescales the input data matrix X. More...
class  NystromWrapper
 NystromWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that allows to train a possibly non linear model for large data sets, for which the complete nxn kernel matrix may not fit into RAM. More...
class  OptArray
 Optarray is an option containing an indexed array of options. More...
class  OptFunction
 OptFunction is an option representing a pointer to a generic function T (*function)(T* , int) operating over an array of floating point numbers. More...
class  Optimizer
 Optimizer is a class that implements a Regularized Least Square algorithm. More...
class  OptMatrix
 OptMatrix is an option containing a matrix. More...
class  OptMatrixBase
 OptMatrixBase is the base class for all options containing matrices. More...
class  OptNumber
 OptNumber is an option containing a double precision floating point number. More...
class  OptNumberList
 OptNumberList is an option containing a list of double precision floating point numbers. More...
class  OptProcess
 OptProcess is an option containing a sequence of actions that form a Gurls process. More...
class  OptString
 OptString is an option containing a generic string. More...
class  OptStringList
 OptStringList is an option containing a list of strings. More...
class  OptTaskSequence
 OptTaskSequence is an option containing a sequence of task that forms a pipeline. More...
class  ParamSelCalibrateSGD
 ParamselCalibrateSGD is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements parameter selection for pegasos. More...
class  ParamSelection
 ParamSelection is the class that implements parameter selection. More...
class  ParamSelFixLambda
 ParamSelFixLambda is the sub-class of ParamSelection that sets the regularization parameter to a constant. More...
class  ParamSelFixSigLam
 ParamSelFixSigLam is the sub-class of ParamSelection that sets the regularization parameters to constants. More...
class  ParamSelHoDual
 ParamSelHoDual is the subclass of ParamSelection that implements hold-out cross validation with the dual formulation of RLS. More...
class  ParamSelHoDualr
 ParamSelHoDualr is the randomized version of ParamSelHoDual. More...
class  ParamSelHoGPRegr
 ParamSelHoGPRegr is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements. More...
class  ParamSelHoPrimal
 ParamSelHoPrimal is the subclass of ParamSelection that implements hold-out cross validation with the primal formulation of RLS. More...
class  ParamSelHoPrimalr
 ParamSelHoPrimalr is the randomized version of ParamSelHoPrimal. More...
class  ParamSelLoocvDual
 ParamSelLoocvDual is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements LOO cross-validation with the dual formulation. More...
class  ParamSelLoocvPrimal
 ParamSelLoocvPrimal is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements LOO cross-validation with the primal formulation. More...
class  ParamSelLooGPRegr
 ParamSelLooGPRegr is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements. More...
class  ParamSelSiglam
 ParamSelSiglam is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements LOO cross-validation with the dual formulation for a rbf kernel. More...
class  ParamSelSiglamHo
 ParamSelSiglam is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements hold-out cross validation with the dual formulation for a rbf kernel. More...
class  ParamSelSiglamHoGPRegr
 ParamSelSiglamHoGPRegr is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements. More...
class  ParamSelSiglamLooGPRegr
 ParamSelSiglamLooGPRegr is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements leave-one-ot parameter selection for Gaussian process regression. More...
class  PerfMacroAvg
 PerfMacroAvg is the sub-class of Performance that evaluates prediction accuracy. More...
class  Performance
 Performance is the class that evaluates prediction performance. More...
class  PerfPrecRec
 PerfPrecRec is the sub-class of Performance that evaluates prediction precision. More...
class  PerfRmse
 PerfRmse is the sub-class of Performance that evaluates prediction error. More...
class  PredDual
 PredDual is the sub-class of Prediction that computes the predictions of a linear classifier in the dual formulation. More...
class  PredGPRegr
 PredGPRegr is the sub-class of Prediction that computes the predictions of GP. More...
class  Prediction
 Prediction is the class that computes predictions. More...
class  PredKernel
 PredKernel is the class that computes the kernel matrix for prediction. More...
class  PredKernelTrainTest
 PredKernelTrainTest is the sub-class of PredKernel that computes the kernel matrix between training and test sets. More...
class  PredPrimal
 PredPrimal is the sub-class of Prediction that computes the predictions of a linear classifier in the primal formulation. More...
class  PredRandFeats
 PredRandFeats is the sub-class of Prediction that computes the predictions of the linear classifier stored in opt.rls.W, and obtained the Random Features approach proposed in: Ali Rahimi, Ben Recht; Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines; in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2007. More...
class  RandomFeaturesWrapper
 RLSWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that implements Regularized Least Squares with a linear model. More...
class  RecursiveRLSWrapper
 RecursiveRLSWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that implements recursive update of the RLS estimator with retraining capability. More...
class  RLSAuto
 RLSAuto is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements automatic selection of primal/dual procedure. More...
class  RLSDual
 RLSDual is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements RLS with the dual formulation. More...
class  RLSDualr
 RLSDualr is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements RLS with the dual formulation, using a randomized version of SVD. More...
class  RLSGPRegr
 RLSGPRegr is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements GP inference. More...
class  RLSPegasos
 RLSPegasos is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements the Pegaosos algorithm. More...
class  RLSPrimal
 RLSPrimal is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements RLS with the primal formulation. More...
class  RLSPrimalr
 RLSPrimalr is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements RLS with the primal formulation, using a randomized version of SVD. More...
class  RLSPrimalRecInit
 RLSPrimalRecInit is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements RLS with the primal formulation. More...
class  RLSPrimalRecUpdate
 RLSPrimalRecUpdate is the sub-class of Optimizer that implements RLS with the primal formulation. More...
class  RLSRandFeats
 RLSRandFeats is the sub-class of Optimizer that computes a classifier for the primal formulation of RLS using the Random Features approach proposed in: Ali Rahimi, Ben Recht; Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines; in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2007. More...
class  RLSWrapper
 RLSWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that implements Regularized Least Squares with a linear model. More...
class  Split
 Split is the class that splits data into pair(s) of training and test samples. More...
class  SplitHo
 SplitHoMulti is the sub-class of Split that splits data into one or more pairs of training and test samples. More...


enum  CBLAS_DIAG { CblasNonUnit = 5, CblasUnit = 6 }
 Diagonal options (unit, non unit)
enum  CBLAS_ORDER { CblasRowMajor = 9, CblasColMajor = 10 }
 Matrix Order (row major or column major)
enum  CBLAS_SIDE { CblasLeft = 7, CblasRight = 8 }
 Side options (left, right)
enum  CBLAS_TRANSPOSE { CblasNoTrans = 0, CblasTrans = 1, CblasConjTrans = 2 }
 Transposition options (no transpose, transpose, conjugate transpose)
enum  CBLAS_UPLO { CblasUpper = 3, CblasLower = 4 }
 Upper/lower options (upper, lower)
enum  InversionAlgorithm { LU, GaussJ }
 Implemented inversion algorithms.
enum  OptTypes {
  GenericOption, StringOption, NumberOption, StringListOption,
  NumberListOption, FunctionOption, MatrixOption, VectorOption,
  OptListOption, TaskSequenceOption, TaskIDOption, OptArrayOption,
 Enumeration containing all implemented Option types.


template<typename T >
void argmin (const T *A, unsigned long *result, const int A_rows, const int A_cols, const int res_length) throw (gException)
 Coputes the smallest elements along the rows of a matrix.
template<typename T >
void axpy (const int N, const T alpha, const T *X, const int incX, T *Y, const int incY)
 Template function to call BLAS *AXPY routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void axpy (const int N, const float alpha, const float *X, const int incX, float *Y, const int incY)
 Specialized version of axpy for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void axpy (const int N, const double alpha, const double *X, const int incX, double *Y, const int incY)
 Specialized version of axpy for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void binOperation (const T *A, const T *B, T *result, const int len, T(*op)(T, T))
 Applies an element by element binary operation $op$ over two vectors ( $result = A op B$)
template<typename T >
void cholesky (const gMat2D< T > &A, gMat2D< T > &L, bool upper=true)
 Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric, positive definite matrix using the LAPACK routine SPOTRF.
GURLS_EXPORT void cholesky (const gMat2D< float > &A, gMat2D< float > &L, bool upper)
 Specialized version of cholesky for float matrices.
template<typename T >
void cholesky (const T *matrix, const int rows, const int cols, T *result, bool upper=true)
 Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric, positive definite matrix using the LAPACK routine SPOTRF.
template<typename T >
void clearLowerTriangular (T *matrix, int rows, int cols)
 Zeroes on the lower triangle of a matrix.
template<typename T >
T * compare (const T *vector1, const T *vector2, const int size, bool(*pred)(T, T))
 Compares element by element two vectors using a binary predicate, and returns a vector where each element is:
template<typename T >
T * compare (const T *vector, const T thr, const int size, bool(*pred)(T, T))
 Compares each element of a vector with a threshold using a binary predicate and returns a vector where each element is:
template<typename T >
void copy (T *dst, const T *src, const int size)
 Copies element form one vector to another one.
GURLS_EXPORT void copy (float *dst, const float *src, const int size)
 Specialized version of copy for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void copy (double *dst, const double *src, const int size)
 Specialized version of copy for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void copy (T *dst, const T *src, const int size, const int dstIncr, const int srcIncr)
 Copies element form one vector to another one.
GURLS_EXPORT void copy (float *dst, const float *src, const int size, const int dstIncr, const int srcIncr)
 Specialized version of copy for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void copy (double *dst, const double *src, const int size, const int dstIncr, const int srcIncr)
 Specialized version of copy for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void copy_submatrix (T *dst, const T *src, const int src_Rows, const int sizeRows, const int sizeCols, unsigned long *indices_rows, unsigned long *indices_cols)
 Generates a submatrix from an input matrix.
template<typename T >
void copyLocations (const unsigned long *locs, const T *src, const int locs_len, const int src_len, T *result)
 Returns a subvector of an input vector, containing elements of the input vector whose index is contained into an indices vector.
template<class MatrixType >
GurlsOptioncopyOptMatrix (const GurlsOption *toCopy)
template<typename T >
void diag (T *vector, const int len, T *result)
 Returns a squared matrix initialized in the diagonal with values from a vector.
template<typename T >
void distance (const T *A, const T *B, const int rows, const int A_cols, const int B_cols, T *D)
 Utility function used to build the kernel matrix; it computes the matrix of the squared euclidean distance between each column of A and each colum of B.
template<typename T >
void distance_transposed (const T *A, const T *B, const int cols, const int A_rows, const int B_rows, T *D)
 Utility function used to build the kernel matrix; it computes the matrix of the squared euclidean distance between each row of A and each row of B.
template<typename T >
void distance_transposed_vm (const T *A, const T *B, const int cols, const int B_rows, T *D, const int size, const int incrA=1)
 Utility function used to build the kernel matrix; it computes the matrix of the squared euclidean distance between a vector A and each row of B.
template<typename T >
div (T a, T b)
 Division of two scalars.
GURLS_EXPORT float dot (const gVec< float > &x, const gVec< float > &y)
 Specialized version of dot for float vectors.
GURLS_EXPORT double dot (const gVec< double > &x, const gVec< double > &y)
 Specialized version of dot for float vectors.
template<typename T >
void dot (const gMat2D< T > &A, const gMat2D< T > &B, gMat2D< T > &C)
 Implements the standard GEMM routine from Level3 BLAS General Matrix-Matrix multiplication of two single/double precision real matrices A and B (the corresponding Matlab code is: C = A*B;).
GURLS_EXPORT void dot (const gMat2D< float > &A, const gMat2D< float > &B, gMat2D< float > &C)
 Specialized version of dot for float matrices.
template<typename T >
dot (const int N, const T *X, const int incX, const T *Y, const int incY)
 Template function to call BLAS *DOT routines.
template<typename T >
void dot (const gMat2D< T > &A, const gVec< T > &x, gVec< T > &y)
 Implements the standard DOT routine from Level 1 BLAS General Matrix-Vector multiplication of a single/double precision matrix A with a vector x (the corresponding Matlab code is y = A*x;).
GURLS_EXPORT void dot (const gMat2D< double > &A, const gMat2D< double > &B, gMat2D< double > &C)
 Specialized version of dot for float matrices.
template<typename T >
dot (const gVec< T > &x, const gVec< T > &y)
 Implements the standard scalar product between vectors General routine from Level1 BLAS: n <-- x^T * y General Vector-Vector multiplication for single/double precision real data.
GURLS_EXPORT void dot (const gMat2D< float > &A, const gVec< float > &x, gVec< float > &y)
 Specialized version of dot for float matrices/vectors.
GURLS_EXPORT float dot (const int N, const float *X, const int incX, const float *Y, const int incY)
 Specialized version of dot for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT double dot (const int N, const double *X, const int incX, const double *Y, const int incY)
 Specialized version of dot for double buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void dot (const gMat2D< double > &A, const gVec< double > &x, gVec< double > &y)
 Specialized version of dot for float matrices/vectors.
template<typename T >
void dot (const T *A, const T *B, T *C, int A_rows, int A_cols, int B_rows, int B_cols, int C_rows, int C_cols, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const CBLAS_ORDER Order)
 General Matrix-Matrix multiplication of two single/double precision real matrices A and B.
template<typename T >
void eig (const gMat2D< T > &A, gMat2D< T > &V, gVec< T > &Wr, gVec< T > &Wi)
 Implements the computation of the eigenvalues of A using the LAPACK routine SGEEV with default computation of the right eigenvectors.
template<typename T >
void eig (const gMat2D< T > &A, gMat2D< T > &V, gVec< T > &W)
 Implements the computation of the eigenvalues of A using the LAPACK routine SGEEV with default computation of the right eigenvectors.
template<typename T >
void eig (const gMat2D< T > &A, gVec< T > &Wr, gVec< T > &Wi)
 Implements the computation of the eigenvalues of A.
template<typename T >
void eig (const gMat2D< T > &A, gVec< T > &W)
 Implements the computation of the eigenvalues of A.
GURLS_EXPORT void eig (const gMat2D< float > &A, gMat2D< float > &V, gVec< float > &Wr, gVec< float > &Wi)
 Specialized version of eig for float matrices/vectors.
GURLS_EXPORT void eig (const gMat2D< float > &A, gMat2D< float > &V, gVec< float > &W)
 Specialized version of eig for float matrices/vectors.
GURLS_EXPORT void eig (const gMat2D< float > &A, gVec< float > &Wr, gVec< float > &Wi)
 Specialized version of eig for float matrices/vectors.
GURLS_EXPORT void eig (const gMat2D< float > &A, gVec< float > &W)
 Specialized version of eig for float matrices/vectors.
template<typename T >
void eig_sm (T *A, T *L, int A_rows_cols) throw (gException)
 Computes the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a squared and symmetric input matrix.
template<typename T >
bool eq (T val1, T val2)
 "Equals" operator between two scalars
GURLS_EXPORT bool eq (float val1, float val2)
 "Equals" operator between two scalars, specialized for float values
GURLS_EXPORT bool eq (double val1, double val2)
 "Equals" operator between two scalars, specialized for double values
template<typename T >
eucl_dist (const T *A, const T *B, const int len, T *work)
 Computes Euclidean distance between two vectors.
static std::string Exception_Functionality_Not_Implemented (Exception_Incipit+"An attempt to use a functionality that is not implemented yet occurred.")
 Message displayed when trying to use a non implemented funcionality.
static std::string Exception_Gurls_Inconsistent_Processes_Number (Exception_Incipit+"The number of elements in the list of processes/tasks is not consistent.")
 Message displayed when the number of gurls processes and gurls tasks are different.
static std::string Exception_Gurls_Invalid_ProcessID (Exception_Incipit+"Invalid process ID.")
 Message displayed when the ID of a process is not found into the gurls process list.
static std::string Exception_Illegal_Argument_Value (Exception_Incipit+"The value of the input variable is not allowed.")
 Message displayed when an input parameter has an invalid value.
static std::string Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast (Exception_Incipit+"An illegal dynamic cast occured.")
 Message displayed when failing a cast.
static std::string Exception_Incipit ("ERROR! ")
 String prefix for all exception messages.
static std::string Exception_Inconsistent_Size (Exception_Incipit+"An attempt to combine arrays with inconsistent dimensions occurred.")
 Message displayed when two arrays have inconsistent dimensions.
static std::string Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound (Exception_Incipit+"Index exceeds matrix dimensions.")
 Message displayed when trying to access an a vector or matrix with a too large index.
static std::string Exception_Invalid_Reshape_Arguments (Exception_Incipit+"To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.")
 Message displayed when trying to reshape a matrix changing the number of elements.
static std::string Exception_Invalid_TaskSequence (Exception_Incipit+"Invalid task name specification.")
 Message displayed when trying to execute an unknown task.
static std::string Exception_Logical_Operator (Exception_Incipit+"An unknown logical comparison has been required.")
 Message displayed when trying to use an undefined logical operator for comparison.
static std::string Exception_Parameter_Already_Definied (Exception_Incipit+"The parameter has been already defined.")
 Message displayed when an options' parameter has been already defined.
static std::string Exception_Parameter_Not_Definied_Yet (Exception_Incipit+"The requested parameter has not been defined yet.")
 Message displayed when an options' parameter has not been defined yet.
static std::string Exception_Required_Parameter_Missing (Exception_Incipit+"One of the parameters required to run the algorithm is missing.")
 Message displayed when a required parameter for an algorithm is missing.
static std::string Exception_Square_Matrix_Required (Exception_Incipit+"An attempt to use a general matrix instead of the required square matrix occurred.")
 Message displayed when trying to use a non squared matrix where a squared one is required.
static std::string Exception_Unknown_Function (Exception_Incipit+"Unknown function.")
 Message displayed when trying to execute an unknown function.
static std::string Exception_Unknown_Option (Exception_Incipit+"An unknown option has been used.")
 Message displayed when trying to access a non-existent option.
static std::string Exception_Unsupported_MatrixType (Exception_Incipit+"Matrix type actually unsupported.")
 Message displayed when trying to build a matrix with an unsupported element type.
static std::string Exception_Wrong_Memory_Access (Exception_Incipit+"An attempt to acces a non-existent memory location occurred.")
 Message displayed when a method tryes to modify an array that is not the owner of its data.
template<typename T >
void exp (T *v, const int length)
 In place computation of the exponential for each element of a vector.
template<typename T >
int gelss (int *m, int *n, int *nrhs, T *a, int *lda, T *b, int *ldb, T *s, T *rcond, int *rank, T *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Template function to call LAPACK *GELSS routines.
GURLS_EXPORT int gelss (int *m, int *n, int *nrhs, float *a, int *lda, float *b, int *ldb, float *s, float *rcond, int *rank, float *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of gelss for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT int gelss (int *m, int *n, int *nrhs, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *s, double *rcond, int *rank, double *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of gelss for double buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N, const int K, const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda, const float *B, const int ldb, const float beta, float *C, const int ldc)
 Specialized version of gemm for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N, const int K, const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda, const double *B, const int ldb, const double beta, double *C, const int ldc)
 Specialized version of gemm for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N, const int K, const T alpha, const T *A, const int lda, const T *B, const int ldb, const T beta, T *C, const int ldc)
 Template function to call BLAS *GEMM routines.
template<typename T >
void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N, const T alpha, const T *A, const int lda, const T *X, const int incX, const T beta, T *Y, const int incY)
 Template function to call BLAS *GEMV routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N, const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda, const float *X, const int incX, const float beta, float *Y, const int incY)
 Specialized version of gemv for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N, const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda, const double *X, const int incX, const double beta, double *Y, const int incY)
 Specialized version of gemv for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void geqp3 (int *m, int *n, T *A, int *lda, int *jpvt, T *tau, T *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Template function to call LAPACK *GEQP3 routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void geqp3 (int *m, int *n, float *A, int *lda, int *jpvt, float *tau, float *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of geqp3 for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void geqp3 (int *m, int *n, double *A, int *lda, int *jpvt, double *tau, double *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of geqp3 for double buffers.
template<typename T >
int gesvd_ (char *jobu, char *jobvt, int *m, int *n, T *a, int *lda, T *s, T *u, int *ldu, T *vt, int *ldvt, T *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Template function to call BLAS *GESVD routines.
GURLS_EXPORT int gesvd_ (char *jobu, char *jobvt, int *m, int *n, float *a, int *lda, float *s, float *u, int *ldu, float *vt, int *ldvt, float *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of gesvd_ for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT int gesvd_ (char *jobu, char *jobvt, int *m, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *s, double *u, int *ldu, double *vt, int *ldvt, double *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of gesvd_ for double buffers.
template<class Matrix >
OptMatrixBase::MatrixType getMatrixCellType ()
getMatrixCellType< const gMat2D< double > > ()
getMatrixCellType< const gMat2D< float > > ()
getMatrixCellType< gMat2D< double > > ()
getMatrixCellType< gMat2D< float > > ()
getMatrixCellType< gMat2D< unsigned long > > ()
template<typename T >
void getRow (const T *M, const int rows, const int cols, const int row_index, T *row)
 Generates a vector containing a copy of a row of an input matrix.
template<typename T >
void GInverseDiagonal (const T *Q, const T *L, const T *lambda, T *Z, const int Q_rows, const int Q_cols, const int L_length, const int lambda_length)
template<typename T >
void GInverseDiagonal (const T *Q, const T *L, const T *lambda, T *Z, const int Q_rows, const int Q_cols, const int L_length, const int lambda_length, T *work)
template<typename T >
bool gt (T a, T b)
 "Greater than" operator between two scalars
GURLS_EXPORT bool gt (float a, float b)
 "Greater than" operator between two scalars, specialized for float values
GURLS_EXPORT bool gt (double a, double b)
 "Greater than" operator between two scalars, specialized for double values
template<typename T >
bool gte (T a, T b)
 "Greater than or equals" operator between two scalars
template<typename T >
void indicesOfEqualsTo (const T *V, const int len, const T value, unsigned long *ind, int &ind_length)
 Computes a vector containing the indices of all elements of an input vector that are equals to a given value.
template<typename T >
void indicesOfMax (const T *A, const int A_rows, const int A_cols, unsigned long *ind, T *work, const int dimension) throw (gException)
 Returns the indices of the largest elements along different dimensions of a matrix.
GURLS_EXPORT void inv (const gMat2D< float > &A, gMat2D< float > &Ainv, InversionAlgorithm alg)
 Specialized version of inv for float matrices.
template<typename T >
void inv (const gMat2D< T > &A, gMat2D< T > &Ainv, InversionAlgorithm alg=LU)
 Computes the inverse $A^-{1}$ of a matrix $A$.
template<typename T >
T * lambdaguesses (const T *eigvals, const int len, const int r, const int n, const int nlambda, const T minl)
 Builds array of possible values for the regularization parameter, generating a geometric series from the values in EIGVALS Internal function, not to be called from gurls.
template<typename T >
bool le (T a, T b)
 "Less or equal than" operator between two scalars
template<typename T >
void linspace (T a, T b, unsigned long n, T *res)
 Generates a row vector of n points linearly spaced between and including a and b.
template<typename T >
bool lt (T a, T b)
 "Less than" operator between two scalars
GURLS_EXPORT bool lt (float a, float b)
 "Less than" operator between two scalars, specialized for float values
GURLS_EXPORT bool lt (double a, double b)
 "Less than" operator between two scalars, specialized for double values
template<typename T >
void lu (gMat2D< T > &A)
 Implements the LU decomposition usig LAPACK routines.
template<typename T >
void lu (gMat2D< T > &A, gVec< int > &pv)
 Implements the LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges, using LAPACK routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void lu (gMat2D< float > &A, gVec< int > &pv)
 Specialized version of lu for float matrices/vectors.
GURLS_EXPORT void lu (gMat2D< float > &A)
 Specialized version of lu for float matrices.
template<typename T >
void maxValues (const T *A, const int A_rows, const int A_cols, T *maxv, T *work, const int dimension) throw (gException)
 Returns the largest elements along different dimensions of a matrix.
template<typename T >
void mean (const T *A, T *result, const int A_rows, const int A_cols, const int res_length) throw (gException)
 Computes the mean values along the rows of a matrix.
template<typename T >
median (T *v, const int length)
 Returns the median value of a vector.
template<typename T >
void median (const T *M, const int rows, const int cols, const int dimension, T *res, T *work)
 Computes the median values of the elements along different dimensions of a matrix.
template<typename T >
void mldivide_squared (const T *A, T *B, const int a_rows, const int a_cols, const int b_rows, const int b_cols, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transA)
 Performs left division of squared matrices.
template<typename T >
mul (T a, T b)
 Multiplication of two scalars.
template<typename T >
void mult (const T *A, const T *B, T *result, const int len)
 Element by element multiplication of two vectors.
template<typename T >
norm (const gVec< T > &x, std::string type="l2")
 Computes a vector norm specified by type parameter.
template<typename T >
norm (const gMat2D< T > &A, std::string type="l2")
 Computes a matrix norm specified by type parameter.
template<typename T >
nrm2 (const int N, const T *X, const int incX)
 Template function to call BLAS *NRM2 routines.
GURLS_EXPORT float nrm2 (const int N, const float *X, const int incX)
 Specialized version of nrm2 for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT double nrm2 (const int N, const double *X, const int incX)
 Specialized version of nrm2 for double buffers.
template<typename T >
gVec< T > operator* (T val, const gVec< T > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the multiplication of a vector by a scalar.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > operator* (T val, const gMat2D< T > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the multiplication of a matrix by a scalar.
template<typename T >
gVec< T > operator+ (T val, const gVec< T > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the sum between a vector and a scalar.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > operator+ (T val, const gMat2D< T > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the sum between a matrix and a scalar.
template<typename T >
gVec< T > operator- (T val, const gVec< T > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the difference between a vector and a scalar.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > operator- (T val, const gMat2D< T > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the difference between a matrix and a scalar.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > operator/ (T val, const gMat2D< T > &v)
 Returns a matrix containing the division of a matrix by a scalar.
template<typename T >
gVec< T > operator/ (T val, const gVec< T > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the division of a vector by a scalar.
GURLS_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GurlsOption &opt)
 Writes a GurlsOption to a stream.
GURLS_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const OptArray &opt)
 Writes an OptArray to a stream.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const gVec< T > &v)
 Writes vector's information and data to a stream.
GURLS_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GurlsOptionsList &opt)
 Writes a GurlsOptionsList to a stream.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const gMat2D< T > &v)
 Writes matrix information and data to a stream.
template<typename U >
bool operator== (const BaseArray< U > &v, const U &val)
 Checks if all elements in a vector are equal to a given value.
template<typename U >
bool operator== (const gVec< U > &v, const U &val)
 Checks if all elements in a vector are equal to a given value.
template<typename T >
void orgqr (int *m, int *n, int *k, T *a, int *lda, T *tau, T *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Template function to call LAPACK *ORGQR routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void orgqr (int *m, int *n, int *k, float *a, int *lda, float *tau, float *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of orogqr for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void orgqr (int *m, int *n, int *k, double *a, int *lda, double *tau, double *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of orgqr for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void pdist (const T *A, const int N, const int P, T *D)
 Computes a vector D containing the Euclidean distances between each pair of observations in the N-by-P data matrix A.
template<typename T >
void pinv (const gMat2D< T > &A, gMat2D< T > &Ainv, T RCOND=0)
 Computes the pseudo-inverse of a non square matrix A.
GURLS_EXPORT void pinv (const gMat2D< float > &A, gMat2D< float > &Ainv, float RCOND)
 Specialized version of pinv for float matrices.
template<typename T >
T * pinv (const T *A, const int rows, const int cols, int &res_rows, int &res_cols, T *RCOND=NULL)
 Computes the pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
template<typename T >
int potrf_ (char *UPLO, int *n, T *a, int *lda, int *info)
 Template function to call LAPACK *POTRF routines.
GURLS_EXPORT int potrf_ (char *UPLO, int *n, float *a, int *lda, int *info)
 Specialized version of potrf_ for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT int potrf_ (char *UPLO, int *n, double *a, int *lda, int *info)
 Specialized version of potrf_ for double buffers.
template<typename T >
precrec_driver (const T *out, const T *gt, const unsigned long N, T *work)
 Utility function called by the class PrecisionRecall to evaluate the average precision through precision and recall.
template<typename T >
precrec_driver (const T *out, const T *gt, const unsigned long N)
 Utility function called by the class PrecisionRecall to evaluate the average precision through precision and recall.
template<typename T >
void qr_econ (const T *A, int m, int n, T *Q, T *R, int *E)
 Computes an economy-size QR decomposition of an input matrix A so that A(:,E) = Q*R.
template<typename T >
void random_svd (const T *A, const unsigned long A_rows, const unsigned long A_cols, T *U, T *S, T *V, unsigned long k=6, unsigned long its=2, unsigned long l=0)
 Constructs a nearly optimal rank-k approximation USV' to A, using its full iterations of a block Lanczos method of block size l, started with an n x l random matrix, when A is m x n;.
template<typename T >
void randperm (const unsigned long n, T *seq, bool generate=true, unsigned long start=1)
 Generates a vector containing a random permutation of the values from start to start+n inclusive.
template<typename T >
void rdivide (const T *A, const T *B, T *result, const int len)
 Element by element division of two vectors.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > repmat (const gVec< T > &x, unsigned long n, bool transpose=false)
 Replicates a vector n times along the columns (or along the rows if transpose==true) If x is a vector of length N, then the output is an N-by-N matrix whose columns (or rows) are copies of x.
template<typename T >
void rls_eigen (const T *Q, const T *L, const T *Qty, T *C, const T lambda, const int n, const int Q_rows, const int Q_cols, const int L_length, const int Qty_rows, const int Qty_cols)
 Computes RLS estimator given the singular value decomposition of the kernel matrix.
template<typename T >
void rls_eigen (const T *Q, const T *L, const T *Qty, T *C, const T lambda, const int n, const int Q_rows, const int Q_cols, const int L_length, const int Qty_rows, const int Qty_cols, T *work)
 Computes RLS estimator given the singular value decomposition of the kernel matrix.
template<typename T >
GurlsOptionsListrls_pegasos_driver (const T *X, const T *bY, const GurlsOptionsList &opt, const int X_rows, const int X_cols, const int bY_rows, const int bY_cols)
 Utility function called by the class RLSPegasos to implement a single pass for pegasos algorithm, performing the stochastic gradient descent over all training samples once.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > * rls_primal_driver (T *K, const T *Xty, const unsigned long n, const unsigned long d, const unsigned long Yd, const T lambda)
template<typename T >
int round (const T value)
 Rounds an input value to the nearest integer.
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > * rp_apply_real (const T *X, const T *W, const unsigned long n, const unsigned long d, const unsigned long D)
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > * rp_apply_real (const gMat2D< T > &X, const gMat2D< T > &W)
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > * rp_factorize_large_real (const gMat2D< T > &X, const gMat2D< T > &y, const unsigned long D, const unsigned long psize, T *XtX, T *Xty)
template<typename T >
gMat2D< T > * rp_projections (const unsigned long d, const unsigned long D)
template<typename T >
void scal (const int N, const T alpha, T *X, const int incX)
 Template function to call BLAS *SCAL routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void scal (const int N, const float alpha, float *X, const int incX)
 Specialized version of scal for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void scal (const int N, const double alpha, double *X, const int incX)
 Specialized version of scal for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void set (T *buffer, const T value, const int size, const int incr)
 Sets elements of a vector to a specified value.
template<typename T >
void set (T *buffer, const T value, const int size)
 Sets all elements of a vector to a specified value.
void GURLS_EXPORT set (float *buffer, const float value, const int size)
 Specialized version of set for float buffers.
void GURLS_EXPORT set (double *buffer, const double value, const int size)
 Specialized version of set for double buffers.
void GURLS_EXPORT set (float *buffer, const float value, const int size, const int incr)
 Specialized version of set for float buffers.
void GURLS_EXPORT set (double *buffer, const double value, const int size, const int incr)
 Specialized version of set for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void setReciprocal (T *matrix, const int len)
 Computes the element-by-element multiplicative inverse of an input matrix.
template<typename T >
T * sign (const T *vector, const int size)
 Computes a "signum vector" of the same size as an input vector, where each element is:
template<typename T >
void sort (const T *M, const unsigned long rows, const unsigned long cols, bool(*pred)(T, T), T *values, unsigned long *indices)
 Sorts the elements of a matrix along the columns.
template<typename T >
void squareform (const T *A, const int N, const int P, T *D, const int d_cols)
 Reformats a distance matrix between upper triangular and square form.
template<typename T >
void stdDev (const T *X, const int rows, const int cols, T *res, T *work)
 Generates a row vector containing the standard deviation of the elements of each column of an input matrix.
template<typename T >
void subMatrixFromColumns (const T *matrix, const int mRows, const int mCols, const unsigned long *colsIndices, const int nIndices, T *submat)
 Generates a submatrix from an input matrix.
template<typename T >
void subMatrixFromRows (const T *matrix, const int mRows, const int mCols, const unsigned long *rowsIndices, const int nIndices, T *submat)
 Generates a submatrix from an input matrix.
template<typename T >
void sum (const T *A, T *result, const int A_rows, const int A_cols, const int res_length) throw (gException)
 Sums all elements along the rows of a matrix.
template<typename T >
void sum_col (const T *A, T *result, const int A_rows, const int A_cols) throw (gException)
 Sums all elements along the columns of a matrix.
template<typename T >
sumv (const T *V, const int len) throw (gException)
 Computes the sum of all elements of a vector.
template<typename T >
void svd (const gMat2D< T > &A, gMat2D< T > &U, gVec< T > &W, gMat2D< T > &Vt)
 Implements the SVD decomposition of a general rectangular matrix: A = U*W*Vt.
GURLS_EXPORT void svd (const gMat2D< float > &A, gMat2D< float > &U, gVec< float > &W, gMat2D< float > &Vt)
 Specialized version of svd for float matrices/vectors.
template<typename T >
void svd (const T *A, T *&U, T *&S, T *&Vt, const int A_rows, const int A_cols, int &U_rows, int &U_cols, int &S_len, int &Vt_rows, int &Vt_cols, bool econ=false) throw (gException)
 Computes singular value decomposition of an input matrix A such that A = U*diag(S)*Vt.
template<typename T >
void swap (int n, T *x, int incx, T *y, int incy)
 Template function to call BLAS *SWAP routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void swap (int n, float *x, int incx, float *y, int incy)
 Specialized version of swap for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void swap (int n, double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy)
 Specialized version of swap for double buffers.
template<typename T >
void syev (char *jobz, char *uplo, int *n, T *a, int *lda, T *w, T *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Template function to call LAPACK *SYEV routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void syev (char *jobz, char *uplo, int *n, float *a, int *lda, float *w, float *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of syev for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void syev (char *jobz, char *uplo, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *w, double *work, int *lwork, int *info)
 Specialized version of syev for double buffers.
static const std::string TASKDESC_SEPARATOR (":")
 String used to tokenize task strings (e.g.
template<typename T >
test_classifier (T *W, GurlsOptionsList &opt, const int rows, const int cols)
 Utility function called by the rls_pegasos_driver; it evaluate classification accuracy on the test set given in fields Xte and yte of opt.
template<typename T >
void transpose (const T *matrix, const int rows, const int cols, T *transposed)
 Transpose a matrix.
template<typename T >
void trsm (const CBLAS_SIDE Side, const CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N, const T alpha, const T *A, const int lda, T *B, const int ldb)
 Template function to call BLAS *TRSM routines.
GURLS_EXPORT void trsm (const CBLAS_SIDE Side, const CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N, const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda, float *B, const int ldb)
 Specialized version of trsm for float buffers.
GURLS_EXPORT void trsm (const CBLAS_SIDE Side, const CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N, const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda, double *B, const int ldb)
 Specialized version of trsm for double buffers.


static const int COLUMNWISE = 0
 Used to tell methods to operate on a matrix in column-wise order.
static const std::string L0norm = "l0"
 String identifying l0-norm.
static const std::string L1norm = "l1"
 String identifying l1-norm.
static const std::string L2norm = "l2"
 String identifying l2-norm.
static const std::string LInfnorm = "inf"
 String identifying infinity-norm.
static const int MAX_PRINTABLE_SIZE = 200
 Maximum vector size for printing.
static const int ROWWISE = 1
 Used to tell methods to operate on a matrix in row-wise order.

Detailed Description

The namespace gurls comprises all the classes, constants, typedefs, and functions currently available within the library.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
void gurls::argmin ( const T *  A,
unsigned long *  result,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols,
const int  res_length 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix
resultvecotr of length A_cols containing the smallest elements for each row of the matrix
A_rowsnumber of rows of matrix A
A_colsnumber of columns of matrix A
res_lengthresults vector length (MUST be == A_cols)

Definition at line 874 of file gmath.h.

    if(A_cols != res_length)
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    const T *a_it = A;

    for(unsigned long *r_it = result, *r_end = result+A_cols; r_it != r_end; ++r_it, a_it += A_rows)
        *r_it = (std::min_element(a_it, a_it+A_rows) - a_it);
template<typename T >
void gurls::binOperation ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
T *  result,
const int  len,
T(*)(T, T)  op 
Afirst input vector
Bsecond input vector
lenvectors length
opbinary operation to perform

Definition at line 747 of file gmath.h.

    const T *a_it = A, *a_end = A+len;
    const T *b_it = B;
    T *r_it = result;

    while(a_it != a_end)
        *r_it = (*op)((*a_it),(*b_it));

template<typename T >
void gurls::cholesky ( const T *  matrix,
const int  rows,
const int  cols,
T *  result,
bool  upper = true 
matrixinput matrix
rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
upperwhether to store the upper or the lower triangle of the result matrix
resyultCholesky factorization of the input matrix

Definition at line 586 of file gmath.h.

    copy(result, matrix, rows*cols);

    int LDA = rows;
    int nc = cols;
    char UPLO = upper? 'U':'L';
    int info;

    potrf_(&UPLO, &nc, result, &LDA, &info);

    if(info != 0)
        std::stringstream str;
        str << "Cholesky factorization failed, error code " << info << ";" << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());

    clearLowerTriangular(result, rows, cols);
template<typename T >
void gurls::clearLowerTriangular ( T *  matrix,
int  rows,
int  cols 
matrixinput matrix
rowsnumber of rows
colsnumber of columns

Definition at line 391 of file gmath.h.

    T* it = matrix;
    const T zero = static_cast<T>(0.0);

    for (int i = 1; i <= cols; ++i)
        const int len = rows-i;

        if(len > 0)

            set(it, zero, len);

template<typename T >
T* gurls::compare ( const T *  vector1,
const T *  vector2,
const int  size,
bool(*)(T, T)  pred 
  • 1 if comparison predicate was verified on the pair of elements at the corresponging index
  • 0 if comparison predicate was not verified on the pair of elements at the corresponging index
vector1first input vector
vector2second input vector
sizenumber of elements of the input vectors
predbinary predicate used for comparison
the results vector

Definition at line 1044 of file gmath.h.

    const T* v1_end = vector1+size;

    T* ret = new T[size];
    T* r_it = ret;

    const T zero = static_cast<T>(0.0);
    const T one = static_cast<T>(1.0);

    for(const T *v1_it = vector1, *v2_it = vector2; v1_it != v1_end; ++v1_it, ++v2_it, ++r_it)
        *r_it = (*pred)(*v1_it, *v2_it)? one: zero;

    return ret;
template<typename T >
T* gurls::compare ( const T *  vector,
const T  thr,
const int  size,
bool(*)(T, T)  pred 
  • 1 if comparison predicate was verified on the pair (element at the corresponging index, threshold)
  • 0 if comparison predicate was not verified on the pair (element at the corresponging index, threshold)
vectorinput vector
sizenumber of elements of the input vector
predbinary predicate used for comparison
the results vector

Definition at line 1074 of file gmath.h.

    const T* v1_end = vector+size;

    T* ret = new T[size];
    T* r_it = ret;

    const T zero = static_cast<T>(0.0);
    const T one = static_cast<T>(1.0);

    for(const T *v1_it = vector; v1_it != v1_end; ++v1_it, ++r_it)
        *r_it = (*pred)(*v1_it, thr)? one: zero;

    return ret;
template<typename T >
void gurls::copy ( T *  dst,
const T *  src,
const int  size 
dstdestination vector
srcsource vector
sizevectors length

Definition at line 266 of file gmath.h.

    memcpy(dst, src, size*sizeof(T));
template<typename T >
void gurls::copy ( T *  dst,
const T *  src,
const int  size,
const int  dstIncr,
const int  srcIncr 
dstdestination vector
srcsource vector
sizenumber of copies to be performed
dstIncriteration increment on destination buffer
srcIncriteration increment on source buffer

Definition at line 293 of file gmath.h.

    if(dstIncr == 1 && srcIncr == 1)
        copy(dst, src, size);

        const T* s_it = src;

        for(T *d_it = dst, *end = dst+(size*dstIncr); d_it != end; d_it += dstIncr, src+=srcIncr)
            *d_it = *s_it;
template<typename T >
void gurls::copy_submatrix ( T *  dst,
const T *  src,
const int  src_Rows,
const int  sizeRows,
const int  sizeCols,
unsigned long *  indices_rows,
unsigned long *  indices_cols 
dstoutput submatrix
srcinput matrix
src_Rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
sizeRowsnumber of rows of the output submatrix
sizeColsnumber of columns of the output submatrix
indices_rowsvector containing the row indices to copy (length must be == sizeRows)
indices_colsvector containing the column indices to copy (length must be == sizeCols)

Definition at line 331 of file gmath.h.

  int t=0;
  for (int j = 0; j < sizeCols; ++j)
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeRows; ++i)
        dst[t] = src[ indices_rows[i] + indices_cols[j]*src_Rows ];
template<typename T >
void gurls::copyLocations ( const unsigned long *  locs,
const T *  src,
const int  locs_len,
const int  src_len,
T *  result 
locsindices vector
srcinput vector
locs_lenlength of the indices vector
src_lenlength of the input vector
resulton exit it contains a subvector with all elements of the input vector whose index is contained into locs

Definition at line 895 of file gmath.h.

    T* ptr_v = result;

    int val;
    for(const unsigned long* l_it = locs, *l_end=locs+locs_len; l_it != l_end; ++l_it, ++ptr_v)
        val = *l_it;
        if((val < 0) || (val > src_len))
            throw gException(gurls::Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

        *ptr_v = src[val];
template<typename T >
void gurls::diag ( T *  vector,
const int  len,
T *  result 
vectorinput vector
lenvector length
resultOn exit it contains a len-by-len matrix with vector on the diagonal

Definition at line 630 of file gmath.h.

    const T zero = static_cast<T>(0.0);

    set(result, zero, len*len);
    copy(result, vector, len, len+1, 1);
template<typename T >
void gurls::distance ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
const int  rows,
const int  A_cols,
const int  B_cols,
T *  D 
rowsnumber of rows of both A and B
A_colsnumber of columns of A
B_colsnumber of columns of B
Doutput A_colsxB_cols kernel matrix

Definition at line 422 of file utils.h.

    set(D, (T)0.0, A_cols*B_cols);

    //for i = 1:na
    for(int i=0; i< A_cols; ++i)
        //    for j = 1:nb
        for(int j=0; j< B_cols; ++j)
            //      for k = 1:dim_a
            for(int k=0; k<rows; ++k)
                //          d(i,j) = d(i,j) + (a(k,i) - b(k,j))^2;
                const double diff = A[k+rows*i]-B[k+rows*j];
                D[i+A_cols*j] += diff*diff;

template<typename T >
void gurls::distance_transposed ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
const int  cols,
const int  A_rows,
const int  B_rows,
T *  D 
colsnumber of cols of both A and B
A_rowsnumber of rows of A
B_rowsnumber of rows of B
Doutput A_rowsxB_rows kernel matrix

Definition at line 451 of file utils.h.

    set(D, (T)0.0, A_rows*B_rows);

    for(int i=0; i< A_rows; ++i)
        for(int j=0; j< B_rows; ++j)
            for(int k=0; k<cols; ++k)
                //          d(i,j) = d(i,j) + (a(i,k) - b(j,k))^2;
                const T diff = A[i+A_rows*k]-B[j+B_rows*k];
                D[i+A_rows*j] += diff*diff;

template<typename T >
void gurls::distance_transposed_vm ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
const int  cols,
const int  B_rows,
T *  D,
const int  size,
const int  incrA = 1 
colsnumber of cols of both A and B
B_rowsnumber of rows of B
Doutput of length "size"
sizelength of vector D
incrAspecifies the increment for indexing vector A

Definition at line 478 of file utils.h.

    int j;

    //#pragma omp parallel for private(j)
    for(j=0; j< size; ++j)
        const T* B_it = B+j;
        const T* A_it = A;

        T Dj = 0;

        for(int k=0; k<cols; ++k)
//            d(j) = d(j) + (a(k) - b(j,k))^2;
            const T diff = *A_it - *B_it;
            Dj += diff*diff;

            A_it += incrA;
            B_it += B_rows;

        D[j] = Dj;
template<typename T >
void gurls::dot ( const gMat2D< T > &  A,
const gMat2D< T > &  B,
gMat2D< T > &  C 
[in]ALeft matrix
[in]BRight matrix
[out]CProduct Matrix
template<typename T >
void gurls::dot ( const gMat2D< T > &  A,
const gVec< T > &  x,
gVec< T > &  y 
[in]AInput matrix
[in]xInput vector
[out]yOutput vector
template<typename T >
void gurls::dot ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
T *  C,
int  A_rows,
int  A_cols,
int  B_rows,
int  B_cols,
int  C_rows,
int  C_cols,
const CBLAS_ORDER  Order 
[in]ALeft matrix
[in]BRight matrix
[out]CProduct Matrix
[in]A_rowsnumer of rows of the matrix A
[in]A_colsnumer of columns of the matrix A
[in]B_rowsnumer of rows of the matrix B
[in]B_colsnumer of columns of the matrix B
[in]C_rowsnumer of rows of the matrix C
[in]C_colsnumer of columns of the matrix C
[in]TransATransposition option form matrix A
[in]TransBTransposition option form matrix B
[in]Orderorder option for matrix multiplication

Definition at line 516 of file gmath.h.


    bool transposeA = (TransA == CblasTrans || TransA == CblasConjTrans);
    bool transposeB = (TransB == CblasTrans || TransB == CblasConjTrans);

        std::swap(A_rows, A_cols);

        std::swap(B_rows, B_cols);

    if ((C_rows != A_rows) || (C_cols != B_cols))
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    if (A_cols != B_rows)
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    const T alpha = 1.0;
    const T beta = 0.0;

    int lda, ldb, ldc;

    int k = A_cols;

    // mxk kxn mxn

    case CblasColMajor:

        lda = transposeA? k: A_rows;
        ldb = transposeB? B_cols: k;
        ldc = C_rows;

        gemm(TransA, TransB, A_rows, B_cols, k, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc);

    case CblasRowMajor:

        lda = transposeA? A_rows: k;
        ldb = transposeB? k: B_cols;
        ldc = C_cols;

        gemm(TransB, TransA, B_cols, A_rows, k, alpha, B, ldb, A, lda, beta, C, ldc);

        lda = ldb = ldc = 0;
template<typename T >
void gurls::eig_sm ( T *  A,
T *  L,
int  A_rows_cols 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix. On exit it contains the orthonormal eigenvectors of the matrix A
Lvector of eigenvalues in ascending order
A_rows_colsnumber of rows/columns of matrix A

Definition at line 1444 of file gmath.h.

    char jobz = 'V';
    char uplo = 'L';
    int n = A_rows_cols, lda = n;
    int info, lwork = 4*n;
    T* work = new T[lwork];

    syev(&jobz, &uplo, &n, A, &lda, L, work, &lwork, &info );

    delete[] work;

    if(info != 0)
        std::stringstream str;
        str << "Eigenvalues/eigenVectors computation failed, error code " << info << ";" << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());
GURLS_EXPORT bool gurls::eq ( float  val1,
float  val2 

Specialized version of eq for float values.

Definition at line 551 of file gmath.cpp.

    return ( val1 >= val2-FLT_EPSILON && val1 <= val2+FLT_EPSILON );
GURLS_EXPORT bool gurls::eq ( double  val1,
double  val2 

Specialized version of pinv for float buffers.

Specialized version of eq for double values

Definition at line 542 of file gmath.cpp.

    return (val1 >= val2-DBL_EPSILON && val1 <= val2+DBL_EPSILON );
template<typename T >
T gurls::eucl_dist ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
const int  len,
T *  work 
Afirst vector
Bfirst vector
lennumber of element of vectors A and B
workwork buffer of length >= len
Euclidean distance

Definition at line 1487 of file gmath.h.

    copy(work, A, len);
    axpy(len, (T)-1.0, B, 1, work, 1);
    return nrm2(len, work, 1);
template<typename T >
void gurls::exp ( T *  v,
const int  length 
lengthvector size

Definition at line 1471 of file gmath.h.

    for(T *it = v, *end = v+length; it != end; ++it)
        *it = (T) std::exp(*it);
template<typename T >
void gurls::getRow ( const T *  M,
const int  rows,
const int  cols,
const int  row_index,
T *  row 
Minput matrix
rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
row_indexindex of the row to be extracted
rowvector containing the extracted row. Length must be equal to cols

Definition at line 1431 of file gmath.h.

    copy(row, M+row_index, cols, 1, rows);
GURLS_EXPORT bool gurls::gt ( float  a,
float  b 

Specialized version of gt for double values.

Definition at line 569 of file gmath.cpp.

    return ((a - b) > ( std::min(fabs(a), fabs(b))* std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()));
GURLS_EXPORT bool gurls::gt ( double  a,
double  b 

Specialized version of gt for float values.

Definition at line 560 of file gmath.cpp.

    return ((a - b) > ( std::min(fabs(a), fabs(b))* std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
template<typename T >
void gurls::indicesOfEqualsTo ( const T *  V,
const int  len,
const T  value,
unsigned long *  ind,
int &  ind_length 
Vinput vector
lennumber of elements of the input vector
valuevalue for comparison
indvector of the indices. Length must be >= len
ind_lengthtotal number of indices written into ind

Definition at line 1585 of file gmath.h.

    unsigned long* r_it = ind;
    for(const T *it = V, *end = V+len; it != end; ++it)
        if(eq(*it, value))
            *r_it = it-V;

    ind_length = r_it - ind;
template<typename T >
void gurls::indicesOfMax ( const T *  A,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols,
unsigned long *  ind,
T *  work,
const int  dimension 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix
A_rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
A_colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
indvector containing computed indices, length must be A_cols if dimension == 1, or A_rows if dimension == 2
workwork buffer of size >= 0 if dimension == 1, or size >= (A_rows*A_cols) if dimension == 2
dimensionthe dimension along which largest elements have to be computed
the results vector

Definition at line 1143 of file gmath.h.

    const T *m_it;
    int m_rows;
    int m_cols;

    case 1:
        m_it = A;
        m_rows = A_rows;
        m_cols = A_cols;
    case 2:
        transpose(A, A_rows, A_cols, work);
        m_it = work;
        m_rows = A_cols;
        m_cols = A_rows;
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Argument_Value);

    for(unsigned long *r_it = ind, *r_end = ind+m_cols; r_it != r_end; ++r_it, m_it += m_rows)
        *r_it = (std::max_element(m_it, m_it+m_rows) - m_it);

template<typename T >
T* gurls::lambdaguesses ( const T *  eigvals,
const int  len,
const int  r,
const int  n,
const int  nlambda,
const T  minl 
eigvalsvector containing the eigenvalues of $X^T X$ or $X X^T$ where $X$ is the input data matrix
lennumber of elements of input vector
nnumber of samples
vector of values for the regularization parameter

Definition at line 1226 of file gmath.h.

    T* guesses = new T[nlambda];

    T* tmp = new T[len];
    copy(tmp, eigvals, len);

    std::sort(tmp, tmp+len);

    /*const*/ T lmin = tmp[len-r];
    const T lmax = tmp[len-1];

    delete[] tmp;

    T thr1 = std::min(lmin, minl*lmax);
    T thr2 = 200*static_cast<T>(sqrt(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()));

    lmin = std::max(thr1, thr2);

    const T base = (lmax/lmin);
    const T den = nlambda-static_cast<T>(1.0);
    const T nT = (T)n;

    for(int i=0; i< nlambda; ++i)
        guesses[i] = (lmin * pow( base, ((T)i)/den ) )/nT;

    return guesses;
GURLS_EXPORT bool gurls::lt ( float  a,
float  b 

Specialized version of lt for double values.

Definition at line 587 of file gmath.cpp.

    return ((b - a) > ( std::max(fabs(a), fabs(b))* std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()));
GURLS_EXPORT bool gurls::lt ( double  a,
double  b 

Specialized version of lt for float values.

Definition at line 578 of file gmath.cpp.

    return ((b - a) > ( std::max(fabs(a), fabs(b))* std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
template<typename T >
void gurls::lu ( gMat2D< T > &  A,
gVec< int > &  pv 

The factorization has the form A = P * L * U where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). This is the right-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm.

template<typename T >
void gurls::maxValues ( const T *  A,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols,
T *  maxv,
T *  work,
const int  dimension 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix
A_rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
A_colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
maxvvector containing computed values, length must be A_cols if dimension == 1, or A_rows if dimension == 2
workwork buffer of size >= 0 if dimension == 1, or size >= (A_rows*A_cols) if dimension == 2
dimensionthe dimension along which largest elements have to be computed
the results vector

Definition at line 1183 of file gmath.h.

    const T *m_it;
    int m_rows;
    int m_cols;

    case 1:
        m_it = A;
        m_rows = A_rows;
        m_cols = A_cols;
    case 2:
        transpose(A, A_rows, A_cols, work);
        m_it = work;
        m_rows = A_cols;
        m_cols = A_rows;
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Argument_Value);

    for(T *r_it = maxv, *r_end = maxv+m_cols; r_it != r_end; ++r_it, m_it += m_rows)
        *r_it = *std::max_element(m_it, m_it+m_rows);

template<typename T >
void gurls::mean ( const T *  A,
T *  result,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols,
const int  res_length 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix
resultvecotr of length A_cols containing mean values for each row of the matrix
A_rowsnumber of rows of matrix A
A_colsnumber of columns of matrix A
res_lengthresults vector length (MUST be == A_cols)

Definition at line 858 of file gmath.h.

    sum(A, result, A_rows, A_cols, res_length);
    scal(res_length, (T)(1.0/A_rows), result, 1);
template<typename T >
T gurls::median ( T *  v,
const int  length 

This function does not preserve input vector.

vinput vector
lengthnumber of elements of the input vector

Definition at line 1758 of file gmath.h.

    std::sort(v, v+length);

        return v[length/2];
        return static_cast<T>( (v[length/2] + v[(length/2)-1]) /2.0 );
template<typename T >
void gurls::median ( const T *  M,
const int  rows,
const int  cols,
const int  dimension,
T *  res,
T *  work 
Minput matrix
rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
resoutput median values vector, size == cols if dimension == 1 or size == rows if dimension == 2
workwork buffer of size >= rows if dimension == 1 or >= cols if dimension == 2

Definition at line 1778 of file gmath.h.

    case 1:
        for(int i=0; i<cols; ++i)
            copy(work, M+(i*rows), rows);
            res[i] = median(work, rows);
    case 2:
        for(int i=0; i<rows; ++i)
            copy(work, M+i, cols, 1, rows);
            res[i] = median(work, cols);
        throw gException(Exception_Illegal_Argument_Value);
template<typename T >
void gurls::mldivide_squared ( const T *  A,
T *  B,
const int  a_rows,
const int  a_cols,
const int  b_rows,
const int  b_cols,
const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  transA 
Afirst input matrix
Bsecond input matrix. On exit B contains the result matrix
a_rowsnumber of rows of matrix A
a_colsnumber of columns of matrix A
b_rowsnumber of rows of matrix B
b_colsnumber of columns of matrix B
transAspecifies whether to transpose A or not

Definition at line 1290 of file gmath.h.

    if (a_cols != a_rows)
        throw gException("The input matrix A must be squared");

    const int lda = a_rows;
    const int ldb = b_rows;

    trsm(CblasLeft, CblasUpper, transA, CblasNonUnit, b_rows, b_cols, (T)1.0, A, lda, B, ldb);
template<typename T >
void gurls::mult ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
T *  result,
const int  len 
Afirst input vector
Bsecond input vector
lenvectors length

Definition at line 772 of file gmath.h.

    binOperation<T>(A, B, result, len, &mul);
GURLS_EXPORT std::ostream& gurls::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const GurlsOption &  opt 

Writes an option to a stream.

Definition at line 58 of file options.cpp.

    opt.operator <<(os);
    return os;
template<typename T >
void gurls::pdist ( const T *  A,
const int  N,
const int  P,
T *  D 

Rows of A correspond to observations, columns correspond to variables. D is a 1-by-(N*(N-1)/2) vector, corresponding to the N*(N-1)/2 pairs of observations in A.

Definition at line 1502 of file gmath.h.

    T* work = new T[P];
    T* rowN = new T[P];
    T* rowNPlusOne = new T[P];
    T* D_it = D;

    for(int i=0; i<N-1; ++i)
        getRow(A, N, P, i, rowN);

        for(int j=i+1; j<N; ++j)
            getRow(A, N, P, j, rowNPlusOne);

            *D_it = eucl_dist(rowN,rowNPlusOne,P, work);

    delete [] work;
    delete [] rowN;
    delete [] rowNPlusOne;
template<typename T >
T* gurls::pinv ( const T *  A,
const int  rows,
const int  cols,
int &  res_rows,
int &  res_cols,
Ainput matrix
rowsnumber of rows
colsnumber of columns
res_rowson exit contains the number of rows of the pseudoinverse matrix
res_colson exit contains the number of columns of the pseudoinverse matrix
RCONDused to determine the effective rank of A. If *RCOND < 0, machine precision is used
the pseudoinverse matrix

Definition at line 423 of file gmath.h.

    int M = rows;
    int N = cols;

    T* a = new T[rows*cols];
    copy(a, A, rows*cols);

    int LDA = M;
    int LDB = std::max(M, N);
    int NRHS = LDB;

    const int b_size = LDB*NRHS;
    T *b = new T[LDB*NRHS];

    set(b, (T)0.0, b_size);
    set(b, (T)1.0, std::min(LDB, NRHS), NRHS+1);

    T* S = new T[std::min(M,N)];
    T rcond = (RCOND == NULL)? (std::max(rows, cols)*std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()): *RCOND;

    int RANK = -1; // std::min(M,N);
    int LWORK = -1; //2 * (3*LDB + std::max( 2*std::min(M,N), LDB));
    T* WORK = new T[1];

    int INFO;

    /* Query and allocate the optimal workspace */
    gelss( &M, &N, &NRHS, a, &LDA, b, &LDB, S, &rcond, &RANK, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO);
    LWORK = static_cast<int>(WORK[0]);
    delete [] WORK;
    WORK = new T[LWORK];

    gelss( &M, &N, &NRHS, a, &LDA, b, &LDB, S, &rcond, &RANK, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO);

    delete [] S;
    delete [] WORK;
    delete [] a;

    if(INFO != 0)
        delete [] b;

        std::stringstream str;
        str << "Pinv failed, error code " << INFO << ";" << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());

    res_rows = LDB;
    res_cols = NRHS;

    return b;
template<typename T >
T gurls::precrec_driver ( const T *  out,
const T *  gt,
const unsigned long  N,
T *  work 
outvector of predicted labels
gtvector of true labels
Nsize of out and gt
workWork buffer of length 4*N
average precision

Definition at line 92 of file utils.h.

    std::multimap<T, T, LtCompare<T> > data;

    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < N; i++)
        data.insert(std::pair<T,T>(-out[i], gt[i]));

    typename std::multimap<T, T, LtCompare<T> >::iterator it = data.begin();
    typename std::multimap<T, T, LtCompare<T> >::iterator end = data.end();

    T* tp = work;
    T* fp = tp+N;
    T* prec = fp+N;
    T* rec = prec+N;

    unsigned long tpcumsum = 0;
    unsigned long fpcumsum = 0;

    unsigned long idx = 0;
    while (it != end)
        tp[idx] = static_cast<T>(gurls::gt(it->second, (T)0.0) ? tpcumsum+=1 : tpcumsum);
        fp[idx] = static_cast<T>(gurls::lt(it->second, (T)0.0) ? fpcumsum+=1 : fpcumsum);


    for (idx = 0; idx < N; ++idx)
        rec[idx] = tp[idx]/(T)tpcumsum;
        prec[idx] = tp[idx]/(tp[idx]+fp[idx]);

    // compute average precision
    T ap = 0.0;
    T p = 0.0;
    T t = 0.0;

    LtCompare<T> comp;

    const int stepsNumber = 11;
    const T incr = static_cast<T>(0.1);

    for(int steps = 0; steps<stepsNumber; ++steps)
        p = 0.0;
        for (idx = 0; idx < N; ++idx)
            if ( gurls::gt(rec[idx], t) || gurls::eq(rec[idx], t))
                p = std::max<T, LtCompare<T> >(p, prec[idx], comp);
        ap += p;
        t += incr;

    return ap/((T)stepsNumber);
template<typename T >
T gurls::precrec_driver ( const T *  out,
const T *  gt,
const unsigned long  N 
outvector of predicted labels
gtvector of true labels
Nsize of out and gt
average precision

Definition at line 162 of file utils.h.

    T* work = new T[4*N];

    T ret = precrec_driver(out, gt, N, work);

    delete [] work;

    return ret;
template<typename T >
void gurls::qr_econ ( const T *  A,
int  m,
int  n,
T *  Q,
T *  R,
int *  E 

If m > n, only the first n columns of Q and the first n rows of R are computed.

Ainput matrix
mnumber of rows of the input matrix
nnumber of columns of the input matrix
QQ matrix
Rupper triangular R matrix
Epermutations vector

Definition at line 1624 of file gmath.h.

    // Q: mxmin(m,n)
    // R: min(m,n)xn
    // E: n

    T* Q_tmp = new T[m*n];
    copy(Q_tmp, A, m*n);

    int k = std::min(m, n);

    int lda = std::max(1,m);
    int* jpvt = E;
    set(jpvt, 0, n);

    T* tau = new T[k];

    T* work;
    int lwork = -1;
    int info;

    // query
    T qwork;
    geqp3( &m, &n, Q_tmp, &lda, jpvt, tau, &qwork, &lwork, &info);

    // exec
    lwork = static_cast<int>(qwork);
    work = new T[lwork];
    geqp3( &m, &n, Q_tmp, &lda, jpvt, tau, work, &lwork, &info);

    if(info != 0)
        delete[] tau;
        delete[] work;
        delete[] Q_tmp;

        std::stringstream str;
        str << "QR factorization failed, error code " << info << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());

    if(R != NULL)
        for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
            copy(R + k*i, Q_tmp + m*i, i+1);

            set(R + (k*i) + i+1, (T)0.0, k - (i+1));

    // query
    lwork = -1;
    orgqr(&m, &k, &k, Q_tmp, &lda, tau, &qwork, &lwork, &info);

    if(info != 0)
        delete[] tau;
        delete[] work;
        delete[] Q_tmp;

        std::stringstream str;
        str << "QR factorization failed, error code " << info << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());

    lwork = static_cast<int>(qwork);
    delete[] work;
    work = new T[lwork];
    orgqr(&m, &k, &k, Q_tmp, &lda, tau, work, &lwork, &info);

    copy(Q, Q_tmp, m*k);

    delete[] tau;
    delete[] work;
    delete[] Q_tmp;

template<typename T >
void gurls::random_svd ( const T *  A,
const unsigned long  A_rows,
const unsigned long  A_cols,
T *  U,
T *  S,
T *  V,
unsigned long  k = 6,
unsigned long  its = 2,
unsigned long  l = 0 
A_rowsNumber of rows of A
A_colsNumber of columns of A
kRank, must be a positive integer <= the smallest dimension of A.
itsIterations of Lanczos method
lBlock size

Definition at line 520 of file utils.h.

    // U: (A_rows,k)
    // S: (k)
    // V: (A_cols, k)

    if(l < k)
        l = k+2;

    if((k > A_rows) || (k > A_cols))
        throw gException("k must be <= the smallest dimension of A");

//    %
//    % SVD A directly if (its+1)*l >= m/1.25 or (its+1)*l >= n/1.25.
//    %

//    if(((its+1)*l >= m/1.25) || ((its+1)*l >= n/1.25))

    const T thr1 = static_cast<T>(A_rows/1.25);
    const T thr2 = static_cast<T>(A_cols/1.25);
    const T block_dim = static_cast<T>((its+1)*l);

    if(gt(block_dim, thr1) || eq(block_dim, thr1) || gt(block_dim, thr2) || eq(block_dim, thr2))
//        [U,S,V] = svd(A,'econ');
        T *Q, *L, *Vt;
        int Q_rows, Q_cols;
        int L_len;
        int Vt_rows, Vt_cols;

        svd(A, Q, L, Vt, A_rows, A_cols, Q_rows, Q_cols, L_len, Vt_rows, Vt_cols, true);

//    %
//    % Retain only the leftmost k columns of U, the leftmost k columns of V,
//    % and the uppermost leftmost k x k block of S.
//    %

//      U = U(:,1:k);
        copy(U, Q, k*Q_rows);
        delete[] Q;

//      S = S(1:k,1:k);
        copy(S, L, k);
        delete[] L;

//      V = V(:,1:k);
        if(V != NULL)
            T* tr = new T[Vt_cols*Vt_rows];

            transpose(Vt, Vt_rows, Vt_cols, tr);

            copy(V, tr, k*Vt_cols);
            delete[] tr;
        delete[] Vt;


    const T randMax = static_cast<T>(RAND_MAX);
    const T one = static_cast<T>(1.0);
    const T two = static_cast<T>(2.0);

//    if(m >= n)
    if(A_rows >= A_cols)
        const int H_len = A_rows*l;

        T* H = new T[H_len];
        T* tmp = new T[A_cols*l];

//    %
//    % Apply A to a random matrix, obtaining H.
//    %
//        H = A*(2*rand(n,l)-ones(n,l));
        for(T *it =tmp, *end = tmp +(A_cols*l); it != end; ++it)
            *it = (two* rand()/randMax) - one;

        dot(A, tmp, H, A_rows, A_cols, A_cols, l, A_rows, l, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

//    %
//    % Initialize F to its final size and fill its leftmost block with H.
//    %
//      F(1:m, 1:l) = H;
        const unsigned long F_cols = static_cast<unsigned long>(block_dim);
        T* F = new T[A_rows*F_cols];
        copy(F, H, H_len);

//    %
//    % Apply A*A' to H a total of its times,
//    % augmenting F with the new H each time.
//    %

//      for it = 1:its
        for(unsigned long iter = 1; iter<=its; ++iter)
//        H = (H'*A)';
//        H = A*H;
            dot(H, A, tmp, A_rows, l, A_rows, A_cols, l, A_cols, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);
            dot(A, tmp, H, A_rows, A_cols, l, A_cols, A_rows, l, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasColMajor);

//        F(1:m, (1+it*l):((it+1)*l)) = H;
            copy(F + (H_len*iter), H, H_len);

        delete[] H;

//    %
//    % Form a matrix Q whose columns constitute an orthonormal basis
//    % for the columns of F.
//    %
//      [Q,R,E] = qr(F,0);
        const unsigned long Q_cols = std::min(A_rows, F_cols);
        T* Q = new T[A_rows*Q_cols];
        T* R = NULL;
        int* E = new int [F_cols];

        qr_econ(F, A_rows, F_cols, Q, R, E);

        delete[] E;
        delete[] F;

//    %
//    % SVD Q'*A to obtain approximations to the singular values
//    % and right singular vectors of A; adjust the left singular vectors
//    % of Q'*A to approximate the left singular vectors of A.
//    %
//      [U2,S,V] = svd(Q'*A,'econ');
        T *U2, *L, *Vt;
        int U2_rows, U2_cols;
        int L_len;
        int Vt_rows, Vt_cols;

        delete[] tmp;
        tmp = new T[Q_cols*A_cols];

        dot(Q, A, tmp, A_rows, Q_cols, A_rows, A_cols, Q_cols, A_cols, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);
        svd(tmp , U2, L, Vt, Q_cols, A_cols, U2_rows, U2_cols, L_len, Vt_rows, Vt_cols, true);

//      U = Q*U2;
        delete[] tmp;
        tmp = new T[A_rows*U2_cols];
        dot(Q, U2, tmp, A_rows, Q_cols, U2_rows, U2_cols, A_rows, U2_cols, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

//      clear Q U2;
        delete[] Q;
        delete[] U2;

//    %
//    % Retain only the leftmost k columns of U, the leftmost k columns of V,
//    % and the uppermost leftmost k x k block of S.
//    %
//      U = U(:,1:k);
        copy(U, tmp, k*A_rows);
        delete[] tmp;

//      V = V(:,1:k);
        if(V != NULL)
            T* tr = new T[Vt_cols*Vt_rows];

            transpose(Vt, Vt_rows, Vt_cols, tr);

            copy(V, tr, k*Vt_cols);
            delete[] tr;
        delete[] Vt;

//      S = S(1:k,1:k);
        copy(S, L, k);
        delete[] L;

//        %
//        % Apply A' to a random matrix, obtaining H.
//        %

        const int H_len = A_cols*l;

//            H = ((2*rand(l,m)-ones(l,m))*A)';
        T* H = new T[H_len];
        T* tmp = new T[l*A_rows];

        for(T *it =tmp, *end = tmp +(l*A_rows); it != end; ++it)
            *it = (two* rand()/randMax) - one;

        dot(A, tmp, H, A_rows, A_cols, l, A_rows, A_cols, l, CblasTrans, CblasTrans, CblasColMajor);

//        %
//        % Initialize F to its final size and fill its leftmost block with H.
//        %
//          F = zeros(n,(its+1)*l);
//          F(1:n, 1:l) = H;

        const unsigned long F_cols = static_cast<unsigned long>(block_dim);
        T* F = new T[A_cols*F_cols];
        copy(F, H, H_len);

//        %
//        % Apply A'*A to H a total of its times,
//        % augmenting F with the new H each time.
//        %
//          for it = 1:its
        for(unsigned long iter = 1; iter<=its; ++iter)
//            H = A*H;
            dot(A, H, tmp, A_rows, A_cols, A_cols, l, A_rows, l, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

//            H = (H'*A)';
            dot(A, tmp, H, A_rows, A_cols, A_rows, l, A_cols, l, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

//            F(1:n, (1+it*l):((it+1)*l)) = H;
            copy(F + (H_len*iter), H, H_len);

        delete[] H;

//        %
//        % Form a matrix Q whose columns constitute an orthonormal basis
//        % for the columns of F.
//        %

//          [Q,R,E] = qr(F,0);
        const unsigned long Q_cols = std::min(A_cols, F_cols);
        T* Q = new T[A_cols*Q_cols];
        T* R = NULL;
        int* E = new int [F_cols];

        qr_econ(F, A_cols, F_cols, Q, R, E);

        delete[] E;
        delete[] F;

//        %
//        % SVD A*Q to obtain approximations to the singular values
//        % and left singular vectors of A; adjust the right singular vectors
//        % of A*Q to approximate the right singular vectors of A.
//        %

//          [U,S,V2] = svd(A*Q,'econ');
        T *U2, *L, *Vt;
        int U2_rows, U2_cols;
        int L_len;
        int Vt_rows, Vt_cols;

        delete[] tmp;
        tmp = new T[A_rows*Q_cols];

        dot(A, Q, tmp, A_rows, A_cols, A_cols, Q_cols, A_rows, Q_cols, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);
        svd(tmp, U2, L, Vt, A_rows, Q_cols, U2_rows, U2_cols, L_len, Vt_rows, Vt_cols, true);

//          V = Q*V2;
        delete[] tmp;
        if(V != NULL)
            tmp = new T[A_cols*Vt_rows];
            dot(Q, Vt, tmp, A_cols, Q_cols, Vt_rows, Vt_cols, A_cols, Vt_rows, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasColMajor);

        delete[] Vt;
        delete[] Q;

//        %
//        % Retain only the leftmost k columns of U, the leftmost k columns of V,
//        % and the uppermost leftmost k x k block of S.
//        %

//          U = U(:,1:k);
        copy(U, U2, k*U2_rows);
        delete[] U2;

//          V = V(:,1:k);
        if(V != NULL)
            copy(V, tmp, k*A_cols);

        delete[] tmp;

//          S = S(1:k,1:k);
        copy(S, L, k);
        delete[] L;

template<typename T >
void gurls::rdivide ( const T *  A,
const T *  B,
T *  result,
const int  len 
Afirst input vector
Bsecond input vector
lenvectors length

Definition at line 786 of file gmath.h.

    binOperation<T>(A, B, result, len, &div);
template<typename T >
void gurls::rls_eigen ( const T *  Q,
const T *  L,
const T *  Qty,
T *  C,
const T  lambda,
const int  n,
const int  Q_rows,
const int  Q_cols,
const int  L_length,
const int  Qty_rows,
const int  Qty_cols 
Qeigenvectors of the kernel matrix
Leigenvalues of the kernel matrix
Qtyresult of the matrix multiplication of the transpose of Q times the labels vector Y $(Q^T Y)$
Con exit contains the rls coefficients matrix
lambdaregularization parameter
nnumber of training samples
Q_rowsnumber of rows of the matrix Q
Q_colsnumber of columns of the matrix Q
L_lengthnumber of elements of the vector L
Qty_rowsnumber of rows of the matrix Qty
Qty_colsnumber of columns of the matrix Qty

Definition at line 940 of file gmath.h.

    T* work = new T [(Q_rows+1)*L_length];

    rls_eigen(Q, L, Qty, C, lambda, n, Q_rows, Q_cols, L_length, Qty_rows, Qty_cols, work);

    delete [] work;
template<typename T >
void gurls::rls_eigen ( const T *  Q,
const T *  L,
const T *  Qty,
T *  C,
const T  lambda,
const int  n,
const int  Q_rows,
const int  Q_cols,
const int  L_length,
const int  Qty_rows,
const int  Qty_cols,
T *  work 
Qeigenvectors of the kernel matrix
Leigenvalues of the kernel matrix
Qtyresult of the matrix multiplication of the transpose of Q times the labels vector Y $(Q^T Y)$
Con exit contains the rls coefficients matrix
lambdaregularization parameter
nnumber of training samples
Q_rowsnumber of rows of the matrix Q
Q_colsnumber of columns of the matrix Q
L_lengthnumber of elements of the vector L
Qty_rowsnumber of rows of the matrix Qty
Qty_colsnumber of columns of the matrix Qty
workWork buffer of length L_length*(Q_rows+1)

Definition at line 969 of file gmath.h.

    //function C = rls_eigen(Q,L,QtY,lambda,n)

    //sQ = size(Q,1); -> Q_rows

    //L = L + n*lambda;
    T* L1 = work; // size L_length

    set(L1, n*lambda , L_length);

    axpy(L_length, (T)1.0, L, 1, L1, 1);

    //L = L.^(-1);
    setReciprocal(L1, L_length);

    // L = diag(L)
    T* QL = work+L_length; // size Q_rows*L_length

    copy(QL, Q, Q_rows*Q_cols);
    for(int i=0; i< Q_cols; ++i)
        scal(Q_rows, L1[i], QL+(Q_rows*i), 1);

    //C = (Q*L)*QtY;
    dot(QL, Qty, C, Q_rows, L_length, Qty_rows, Qty_cols, Q_rows, Qty_cols, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);
template<typename T >
GurlsOptionsList* gurls::rls_pegasos_driver ( const T *  X,
const T *  bY,
const GurlsOptionsList &  opt,
const int  X_rows,
const int  X_cols,
const int  bY_rows,
const int  bY_cols 
Xinput data matrix
bYlabels matrix
X_rowsnumber of rows in X
X_colsnumber of columns in X
bY_rowsnumber of rows in bY
bY_colsnumber of columns in bY
updates the the field optimizer in opt by changing the following fields:
  • W = matrix of coefficient vectors of rls estimator for each class
  • W_sum = sum of the classifiers across iterations
  • count = number of iterations
  • acc_last = accuracy of the solution computed in the last iteration
  • acc_avg = average accuracy across iterations

Definition at line 192 of file utils.h.

    //  lambda = opt.singlelambda(opt.paramsel.lambdas);
    const gMat2D<T> &ll = opt.getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("paramsel.lambdas");
    T lambda = opt.getOptAs<OptFunction>("singlelambda")->getValue(ll.getData(), ll.getSize());

//            [n,d] = size(X);
    const int n = X_rows;
    const int d = X_cols;

//            [T] = size(bY,2);
    const int t = bY_cols;

//            cfr = opt.cfr;

//            W = cfr.W; %dxT
    const GurlsOptionsList* optimizer = opt.getOptAs<GurlsOptionsList>("optimizer");

    const gMat2D<T> &W_mat = optimizer->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("W");
    gMat2D<T> *W = new gMat2D<T>(W_mat.rows(), W_mat.cols());
    copy(W->getData(), W_mat.getData(), W_mat.getSize());

//            W_sum = cfr.W_sum;
    const gMat2D<T> &W_sum_mat = optimizer->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("W_sum");
    gMat2D<T> *W_sum = new gMat2D<T>(W_sum_mat.rows(), W_sum_mat.cols());
    copy(W_sum->getData(), W_sum_mat.getData(), W_sum_mat.getSize());

//            count = cfr.count;
    int count = static_cast<int>(optimizer->getOptAsNumber("count"));

//            t0 = cfr.t0;
    T t0 = static_cast<T>(optimizer->getOptAsNumber("t0"));

    unsigned long * seq = new unsigned long[n];
    T* xt = new T[d];
    T* y_hat = new T[t];
    T* r = new T[t];
    const int W_size = d*t;
    T* xtr = new T[W_size];

//            %% Initialization
//            iter = 0;
    int iter;

    const T thr = sqrt(t/lambda);

//            seq = randperm(n);
    randperm(n, seq);

    for(iter = 0; iter<n; ++iter)
//            while iter < n,
//                iter = iter + 1;
//                idx = seq(iter);
        const unsigned long idx = seq[iter];

//                %% Stepsize

//                %% Update Equations
//                xt = X(idx,:); %1xd
        getRow(X, n, d, idx, xt);

//                y_hat = (xt*W); %1xT
        dot(xt, W->getData(), y_hat, 1, d, d, t, 1, t, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

//                r = bY(idx,:) - y_hat; %1xT
        getRow(bY, bY_rows, t, idx, r);
        axpy(t, (T)-1.0, y_hat, 1, r, 1);

//                eta = 1.0/(lambda*(count + t0));
        const T eta = ((T)1.0)/(lambda*(count + t0));

//                W = (1 - lambda*eta)*W + eta*xt'*r; %dxT
        const T coeff = (T)1.0 - (lambda*eta);

        scal(W_size, coeff, W->getData(), 1);

        dot(xt, r, xtr, d, 1, 1, t, d, t, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

        axpy(W_size, eta, xtr, 1, W->getData(), 1);

//                %% Projection onto the ball with radius sqrt(T/lambda)
//                nW = norm(W,'fro'); %Frobenius norm

        T tmp = dot(W_size, W->getData(), 1, W->getData(), 1);
        T  nW = sqrt(tmp);

        //                if nW > sqrt(T/lambda)
        if( gt(nW, thr) )
            //                    W = (W/nW)*sqrt(T/lambda);
            set(xtr, (T)0.0, W_size);
            axpy(W_size, thr/nW, W->getData(), 1, xtr, 1);
            copy(W->getData(), xtr, W_size);

//                %% Averaging

//                W_sum = W_sum + W;
        axpy(W_size, (T)1.0, W->getData(), 1, W_sum->getData(), 1);

//                count = count + 1;

//                %% Testing
//                if(mod(count,n) == 1)
//                    fprintf('\n\tObjective : %f',obj_primal(W, X, bY, lambda));
//                    cfr.acc_last(end+1) = test_classifier (W,opt);
//                    fprintf('\n\tLast Acc: %f', cfr.acc_last(end));
//                    cfr.acc_avg(end+1) = test_classifier (W_sum/count,opt);
//                    fprintf('\n\tAvg Acc: %f\n', cfr.acc_avg(end));
//                end


    delete[] seq;
    delete[] xt;
    delete[] y_hat;
    delete[] r;
    delete[] xtr;

    GurlsOptionsList* ret = new GurlsOptionsList("optimizer");

//            cfr.W = W;
    ret->addOpt("W", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*W));

//            cfr.W_last = W;

//            cfr.W_sum = W_sum;
    ret->addOpt("W_sum", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*W_sum));

//            cfr.count = count;
    ret->addOpt("count", new OptNumber(count));

//            cfr.iter = iter;
    ret->addOpt("iter", new OptNumber(iter));

    ret->addOpt("t0", new OptNumber(t0));

    //  cfr.C = [];
    gMat2D<T>* emptyC = new gMat2D<T>();
    ret->addOpt("C", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*emptyC));

    //  cfr.X = [];
    gMat2D<T>* emptyX = new gMat2D<T>();
    ret->addOpt("X", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*emptyX));

    return ret;

template<typename T >
void gurls::set ( T *  buffer,
const T  value,
const int  size,
const int  incr 
buffervector to be set
valuevalue to set
sizenumber of copy operations to be performed
incrnumber of element to skip after every copy (if incr == 1 all elements will be set)
template<typename T >
void gurls::set ( T *  buffer,
const T  value,
const int  size 
buffervector to be set
valuevalue to set
sizebuffer length

Definition at line 240 of file gmath.h.

    for(T *it = buffer, *end = buffer+size; it != end; ++it)
        *it = value;
template<typename T >
void gurls::setReciprocal ( T *  matrix,
const int  len 
matrixinput matrix
lennumber of matrix elements

Definition at line 614 of file gmath.h.

    const T one = static_cast<T>(1.0);

    for(T *it = matrix, *end = matrix+len; it != end; ++it)
        *it = one / *it;
template<typename T >
T* gurls::sign ( const T *  vector,
const int  size 
  • 1 if the corresponding element of the input vector is greater than zero
  • 0 if the corresponding element of the input vector is zero
  • -1 if the corresponding element of the input vector is less than zero
vectorinput vector
sizenumber of elements of the input vector
the signum vector

Definition at line 1010 of file gmath.h.

    const T* v_it = vector;
    const T* v_end = vector+size;

    T* ret = new T[size];
    T* r_it = ret;

    const T zero = (T)0.0;

    while(v_it != v_end)
        *r_it = static_cast<T>((eq(*v_it, zero)? 0.0 : ((*v_it > 0.0)? 1.0 : -1.0)));


    return ret;
template<typename T >
void gurls::sort ( const T *  M,
const unsigned long  rows,
const unsigned long  cols,
bool(*)(T, T)  pred,
T *  values,
unsigned long *  indices 
MInput matrix
rowsMatrix rows
colsMatrix columns
predBinary predicate used for comparison
valuesOn ouptut contains the ordered values matrix
indicesOn ouptut contains the ordered indices matrix

Definition at line 1102 of file gmath.h.

    typedef std::multimap<T, unsigned long, bool(*)(T,T) > MapType;

    for(unsigned long i=0; i< rows; ++i)
        MapType data(pred);

        for (unsigned long j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
            const unsigned long index = i+(rows*j);
            data.insert( std::pair<T,unsigned long>(M[index], j));

        typename MapType::iterator it = data.begin();

        for (unsigned long j = 0; j < cols; ++j, ++it)
            const unsigned long index = i+(rows*j);

            if(values != NULL)
                values[index] = it->first;

            if(indices != NULL)
                indices[index] = it->second;
template<typename T >
void gurls::squareform ( const T *  A,
const int  N,
const int  P,
T *  D,
const int  d_cols 

If A is a vector as created by the pdist function, converts A into a symmetric, square format, so that D(i,j) denotes the distance between the i and j objects in the original data. If A is a symmetric, square matrix with zeros along the diagonal, creates a vector D containing the A elements below the diagonal. D has the same format as the output from the PDIST function.

Definition at line 1538 of file gmath.h.

        T* work = new T[P];
        T* rowN = new T[P];
        T* rowNPlusOne = new T[P];

        set(D, (T)0.0, N, N+1); // zeroes the diagonal

        for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
            copy(D+(i*N), D+i, i, 1, N); // copy from the other side

            if(i+1 < N)
                getRow(A, N, P, i, rowN);

                for(int j=i+1; j<N; ++j)
                    getRow(A, N, P, j, rowNPlusOne);
                    D[j + i*N] = eucl_dist(rowN, rowNPlusOne, P, work);

        delete [] work;
        delete [] rowN;
        delete [] rowNPlusOne;

        pdist(A, N, P, D);
template<typename T >
void gurls::stdDev ( const T *  X,
const int  rows,
const int  cols,
T *  res,
T *  work 
Xinput matrix
rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
resoutput standard deviations vector
workwork buffer of size >= cols+rows

Definition at line 1733 of file gmath.h.

    T* meanX = work;
    mean(X, meanX, rows, cols, cols);

    T* stdX = res;
    T* column = work+cols;

    for(int i=0; i< cols; ++i)
        copy(column, X+(rows*i), rows);

        axpy(rows, (T)-1.0, meanX+i, 0, column, 1);

        stdX[i] = sqrt( pow(nrm2(rows, column, 1), 2) / (rows-1));
template<typename T >
void gurls::subMatrixFromColumns ( const T *  matrix,
const int  mRows,
const int  mCols,
const unsigned long *  colsIndices,
const int  nIndices,
T *  submat 
matrixinput matrix
mRowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
mColsnumber of columns of the input matrix
colsIndicesvector containing the columns indices to copy
nIndiceslength of the indices vector
submatoutput submatrix

Definition at line 374 of file gmath.h.

    if(mCols < nIndices)
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    for(const unsigned long *it = colsIndices, *end = colsIndices+nIndices; it != end; ++it)
        copy(submat+(mRows*(it-colsIndices)), matrix+(mRows*(*it)), mRows);
template<typename T >
void gurls::subMatrixFromRows ( const T *  matrix,
const int  mRows,
const int  mCols,
const unsigned long *  rowsIndices,
const int  nIndices,
T *  submat 
matrixinput matrix
mRowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
mColsnumber of columns of the input matrix
rowsIndicesvector containing the row indices to copy
nIndiceslength of the indices vector
submatoutput submatrix

Definition at line 353 of file gmath.h.

    if(mRows < nIndices)
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    for(const unsigned long *it = rowsIndices, *end = rowsIndices+nIndices; it != end; ++it)
        copy(submat + (it-rowsIndices), matrix+(*it), mCols, nIndices, mRows);
template<typename T >
void gurls::sum ( const T *  A,
T *  result,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols,
const int  res_length 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix
resultvecotr of length A_cols containing sums for each row of the matrix
A_rowsnumber of rows of matrix A
A_colsnumber of columns of matrix A
res_lengthresults vector length (MUST be == A_cols)

Definition at line 801 of file gmath.h.

    if(A_cols != res_length)
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    const T *a_it = A, *a_end;

    const T zero = static_cast<T>(0.0);

    for(T *r_it = result, *r_end = result+A_cols; r_it != r_end; ++r_it)
        *r_it = zero;
        a_end = a_it+A_rows;

        while(a_it != a_end)
            *r_it += *a_it;

template<typename T >
void gurls::sum_col ( const T *  A,
T *  result,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols 
) throw (gException)
Ainput matrix
resultvecotr of length A_rows containing sums for each column of the matrix
A_rowsnumber of rows of matrix A
A_colsnumber of columns of matrix A

Definition at line 833 of file gmath.h.

    const T *a_it = A, *a_end;

    const T zero = static_cast<T>(0.0);

    for(T *r_it = result, *r_end = result+A_rows; r_it != r_end; ++r_it)
        *r_it = zero;

        for(a_it = A+(r_it-result), a_end = a_it+(A_cols*A_rows); a_it != a_end; a_it += A_rows)
            *r_it += *a_it;
template<typename T >
T gurls::sumv ( const T *  V,
const int  len 
) throw (gException)
Vinput vector
lenvector length
sum of all elements of the input vector

Definition at line 918 of file gmath.h.

    T y = 1;
    return dot(len, V, 1, &y, 0);
template<typename T >
void gurls::svd ( const gMat2D< T > &  A,
gMat2D< T > &  U,
gVec< T > &  W,
gMat2D< T > &  Vt 
AMatrix to be decomposed
UMatrix of the left singular vectors
WVector containing the singular values of the decomposition
Vttransposed matrix of the right singular vectors
template<typename T >
void gurls::svd ( const T *  A,
T *&  U,
T *&  S,
T *&  Vt,
const int  A_rows,
const int  A_cols,
int &  U_rows,
int &  U_cols,
int &  S_len,
int &  Vt_rows,
int &  Vt_cols,
bool  econ = false 
) throw (gException)
AInput matrix to be decomposed
UMatrix of the left singular vectors
SVector containing the singular values of the decomposition
Vttransposed matrix of the right singular vectors
A_rowsnumber of rows of matrix A
A_colsnumber of columns of matrix A
U_rowsnumber of rows of matrix U
U_colsnumber of columns of matrix U
S_lennumber of elements of vector S
Vt_rowsnumber of rows of matrix Vt
Vt_colsnumber of columns of matrix Vt
econif true computes the "economy size" decomposition. If A_rows >= A_cols, then svd computes only the first A_cols columns of U and S length is A_cols. For A_rows < A_cols, only the first A_rows rows of Vt are computed and S length is A_rows.

Definition at line 1324 of file gmath.h.

    // A = U*S*Vt

    char jobu, jobvt;

    int m = A_rows;
    int n = A_cols;
    int k = std::min<int>(m, n);
    int ldvt;

    S = new T[k];
    S_len = k;

    U_rows = m;
    Vt_cols = n;

//        jobu = jobvt = 'S';
            jobu = 'S';
            jobvt = 'A';
        else if(m<n)
            jobu = 'A';
            jobvt = 'S';
            jobu = jobvt = 'S';

        U = new T[m*k];
        Vt = new T[k*n];

        U_cols = k;
        Vt_rows = k;

        ldvt = k;
        jobu = jobvt = 'A';

        U = new T[m*m];
        Vt = new T[n*n];

        U_cols = m;
        Vt_rows = n;

        ldvt = n;


    int lda = A_rows;
    int ldu = m;
    int info, lwork = std::max<int>(3*k+std::max<int>(m,n), 5*k);
    T* work = new T[lwork];
    T* cpy = new T[m*n];
    copy(cpy, A, A_rows*A_cols);

    gesvd_(&jobu, &jobvt, &m, &n, cpy, &lda, S, U, &ldu, Vt, &ldvt, work, &lwork, &info);

    delete[] work;
    delete[] cpy;

    if(info != 0)
        std::stringstream str;
        str << "SVD failed, error code " << info << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());
static const std::string gurls::TASKDESC_SEPARATOR ( ":"  ) [static]


template<typename T >
T gurls::test_classifier ( T *  W,
GurlsOptionsList &  opt,
const int  rows,
const int  cols 
Wcoefficient vector for a linear classifier
optoptions with the followng fields:
  • Xte
  • yte
rowsnumber of rows in W
colsnumber of columns in W
res classification accuracy

Definition at line 365 of file utils.h.

    //opt.rls.W = W;

    GurlsOptionsList* optimizer = GurlsOptionsList::dynacast(opt.getOpt("optimizer"));

    gMat2D<T> *W_mat = NULL;
        W_mat = new gMat2D<T>(rows,cols);
        optimizer->addOpt("W", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*W_mat));
        GurlsOption *W_opt = optimizer->getOpt("W");
        W_mat = &(OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >::dynacast(W_opt))->getValue();

    gMat2D<T> W_t(W, W_mat->cols(), W_mat->rows(), false);

    GurlsOption *x = opt.getOpt("Xte");
    gMat2D<T>* X = &(OptMatrix< gMat2D<T> >::dynacast(x))->getValue();
    GurlsOption *y = opt.getOpt("yte");
    gMat2D<T>* Y = &(OptMatrix< gMat2D<T> >::dynacast(y))->getValue();

    //opt.pred = pred_primal(opt.Xte, opt.yte, opt);
    PredPrimal<T> pp;
    pp.execute(*X, *Y, opt);

    //opt.perf   = perf_macroavg(opt.Xte, opt.yte, opt);
    PerfMacroAvg<T> ma;
    ma.execute(*X, *Y, opt);

    //acc = mean([opt.perf.acc]);
    GurlsOptionsList* perf = GurlsOptionsList::dynacast(opt.getOpt("perf"));
    GurlsOption *perf_opt = perf->getOpt("acc");
    gMat2D<T> *acc_mat = &(OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >::dynacast(perf_opt))->getValue();

    T res;
    mean<T>(acc_mat->getData(), &res, 1, acc_mat->getSize(), 1);

    return res;
template<typename T >
void gurls::transpose ( const T *  matrix,
const int  rows,
const int  cols,
T *  transposed 
matrixinput matrix to be transposed
rowsnumber of rows of the input matrix
colsnumber of columns of the input matrix
transposedon exit contains the transposed matrix. Must be already initialized with a number of rows and columns equal to the number of columns and rows of the input matrix

Definition at line 487 of file gmath.h.

    T* d1 = transposed;
    const T* d0 = matrix;
    const int N = rows;

    for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)

Variable Documentation

const int gurls::MAX_PRINTABLE_SIZE = 200 [static]

Verctor with a largest size will not be printed out

Definition at line 64 of file basearray.h.

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