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C++ Implementation of GURLS Matlab Toolbox
ParamselCalibrateSGD is the sub-class of ParamSelection that implements parameter selection for pegasos.
#include <calibratesgd.h>
Public Member Functions | |
GurlsOptionsList * | execute (const gMat2D< T > &X, const gMat2D< T > &Y, const GurlsOptionsList &opt) |
Performs parameter selection when one wants to solve the problem using rls_pegasos. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static ParamSelection< T > * | factory (const std::string &id) throw (BadParamSelectionCreation) |
Factory function returning a pointer to the newly created object. |
Definition at line 63 of file calibratesgd.h.
GurlsOptionsList * gurls::ParamSelCalibrateSGD< T >::execute | ( | const gMat2D< T > & | X, |
const gMat2D< T > & | Y, | ||
const GurlsOptionsList & | opt | ||
) | [virtual] |
X | input data matrix |
Y | labels matrix |
opt | options with the following:
Implements gurls::ParamSelection< T >.
Definition at line 85 of file calibratesgd.h.
{ // n_estimates = 1; const unsigned long n_estimates = 1; // [n,d] = size(X); const unsigned long n = X.rows(); const unsigned long t = X.cols(); GurlsOptionsList* tmp = new GurlsOptionsList("ParamSelCalibrateSGD", true); OptTaskSequence *seq = new OptTaskSequence(); GurlsOptionsList * process = new GurlsOptionsList("processes", false); OptProcess* process1 = new OptProcess(); *seq << "split:ho" << "kernel:linear" << "paramsel:hodual" << "optimizer:rlsdual"; *process1 << GURLS::compute << GURLS::compute << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave; tmp->addOpt("seq", seq); process->addOpt("one", process1); tmp->addOpt("processes", process); if(tmp->hasOpt("hoperf")) tmp->removeOpt("hoperf"); if(tmp->hasOpt("singlelambda")) tmp->removeOpt("singlelambda"); tmp->addOpt("hoperf", opt.getOptAsString("hoperf")); tmp->addOpt("singlelambda", new OptFunction(OptFunction::dynacast(opt.getOpt("singlelambda"))->getName())); GURLS g; // sub_size = opt.subsize; const int subsize = static_cast<int>(opt.getOptAsNumber("subsize")); unsigned long* idx = new unsigned long[n]; //will use only the first subsize elements T* lambdas = new T[n_estimates]; gMat2D<T> Mx(subsize, t); gMat2D<T> My(subsize, Y.cols()); // for i = 1:n_estimates, for(unsigned long i=0; i<n_estimates; ++i) { // idx = randsample(n, sub_size); randperm(n, idx); // M = X(idx,:); subMatrixFromRows(X.getData(), n, t, idx, subsize, Mx.getData()); // if ~exist([opt.calibfile '.mat'],'file') // fprintf('\n\tCalibrating...'); // %% Step 1 : Hold out parameter selection in the dual // name = opt.calibfile; // tmp.hoperf = opt.hoperf; // tmp = defopt(name); // tmp.seq = {'split:ho','kernel:linear','paramsel:hodual','rls:dual'}; // tmp.process{1} = [2,2,2,2]; // tmp.singlelambda = opt.singlelambda; // gurls(M,y(idx,:),tmp,1); subMatrixFromRows(Y.getData(), Y.rows(), Y.cols(), idx, subsize, My.getData()); g.run(Mx, My, *tmp, "one"); // end // fprintf('\n\tLoading existing calibration'); // load([opt.calibfile '.mat']); // lambdas(i) = opt.singlelambda(opt.paramsel.lambdas); const gMat2D<T> &ll = tmp->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("paramsel.lambdas"); lambdas[i] = opt.getOptAs<OptFunction>("singlelambda")->getValue(ll.getData(), ll.getSize()); // % Add rescaling // end } delete[] idx; GurlsOptionsList* paramsel; if(opt.hasOpt("paramsel")) { GurlsOptionsList* tmp_opt = new GurlsOptionsList("tmp"); tmp_opt->copyOpt("paramsel", opt); paramsel = GurlsOptionsList::dynacast(tmp_opt->getOpt("paramsel")); tmp_opt->removeOpt("paramsel", false); delete tmp_opt; paramsel->removeOpt("lambdas"); paramsel->removeOpt("W"); } else paramsel = new GurlsOptionsList("paramsel"); // params.lambdas = mean(lambdas); gMat2D<T> *lambda = new gMat2D<T>(1,1); lambda->getData()[0] = sumv(lambdas, n_estimates)/n_estimates; paramsel->addOpt("lambdas", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*lambda)); // params.W = opt.rls.W; GurlsOptionsList* rls = tmp->getOptAs<GurlsOptionsList>("optimizer"); paramsel->addOpt("W", rls->getOpt("W")); rls->removeOpt("W", false); delete tmp; delete[] lambdas; return paramsel; }
static ParamSelection<T>* gurls::ParamSelection< T >::factory | ( | const std::string & | id | ) | throw (BadParamSelectionCreation) [inline, static, inherited] |
Definition at line 146 of file paramsel.h.
{ if(id == "loocvprimal") return new ParamSelLoocvPrimal<T>; if(id == "loocvdual") return new ParamSelLoocvDual<T>; if(id == "fixlambda") return new ParamSelFixLambda<T>; if(id == "calibratesgd") return new ParamSelCalibrateSGD<T>; if(id == "siglam") return new ParamSelSiglam<T>; if(id == "siglamho") return new ParamSelSiglamHo<T>; if(id == "hodual") return new ParamSelHoDual<T>; if(id == "hodualr") return new ParamSelHoDualr<T>; if(id == "hoprimal") return new ParamSelHoPrimal<T>; if(id == "hoprimalr") return new ParamSelHoPrimalr<T>; if(id == "fixsiglam") return new ParamSelFixSigLam<T>; if(id == "loogpregr") return new ParamSelLooGPRegr<T>; if(id == "hogpregr") return new ParamSelHoGPRegr<T>; if(id == "siglamloogpregr") return new ParamSelSiglamLooGPRegr<T>; if(id == "siglamhogpregr") return new ParamSelSiglamHoGPRegr<T>; throw BadParamSelectionCreation(id); }