GURLS++  2.0.00
C++ Implementation of GURLS Matlab Toolbox
gurls::gVec< T > Class Template Reference

gVec implements a vector of generic length More...

#include <gvec.h>

Inheritance diagram for gurls::gVec< T >:
Collaboration diagram for gurls::gVec< T >:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

BaseArray< T > & add (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place addition to a vector.
argmax () const
 Returns the largest element in the vector.
argmin () const
 Returns the smallest element in the vector.
void asarray (T *v, unsigned long n) const
 Copies n elements from this vector to a new buffer v.
gMat2D< T > & asMatrix (bool ascolumn=true)
 Returns a matrix representing the vector.
const T & at (unsigned long i) const
 Returns a const reference to the i-th element.
T & at (unsigned long i)
 Returns a reference to the i-th element.
const T * begin () const
 Returns a const pointer to the begin of vector buffer.
T * begin ()
 Returns a non-const pointer to the begin of vector buffer.
void clear ()
 Clears the vector, making it as if it had been default-constructed.
bool closeTo (const BaseArray< T > &, T tolerance) const
 Checks if vector values are element by element close to a given array.
gVec< T > & copyLocations (const gVec< T > locs)
 Returns a subvector containing elements whose index in the vector is contained in locs.
BaseArray< T > & divide (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place element by element division by a vector.
const T * end () const
 Returns a const pointer to the end of vector buffer.
T * end ()
 Returns a non-const pointer to the end of vector buffer.
const T * getData () const
 Returns a const pointer to the vector buffer.
T * getData ()
 Returns a non-const pointer to the vector buffer.
unsigned long getSize () const
 Returns vector length.
 gVec (unsigned long n=0)
 Initializes a vector of n elements.
 gVec (T *buf, unsigned long n, bool ownership=true)
 Initializes a vector of n elements from a data buffer.
 gVec (const gVec< T > &other)
 Constructor form an existing gVec.
void isequal (const T &value, std::vector< int > &indices)
 Writes into the vector indices the indices of the elements whose value is equal to the given one.
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &, const unsigned int)
 Deserializes the vector from a generic archive.
const T & max () const
 Returns a reference to the element with the largest value in the vector.
const T & min () const
 Returns a reference to the element with the smallest value in the vector.
BaseArray< T > & multiply (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place element by element multiplication by a vector.
gVec< unsigned long > nonzeros () const
 Returns a subvector containing all nonzero values.
gVec< T > operator* (T) const
 Returns a vector containing the multiplication of the vector by a scalar.
gVec< T > operator* (const gVec< T > &) const
 Returns the element by element multiplication between two vectors.
BaseArray< T > & operator*= (T)
 Multiplies all elements by a scalar.
gVec< T > & operator*= (const gVec< T > &)
 In-place element by element multiplication by a vector.
gVec< T > operator+ (T) const
 Returns a vector containing the sum between the vector and a scalar.
gVec< T > operator+ (const gVec< T > &) const
 Returns the sum of two vectors.
BaseArray< T > & operator+= (T)
 Adds a value to all elements.
gVec< T > & operator+= (const gVec< T > &)
 In-place addition to a vector.
gVec< T > operator- () const
 Inverts elements sign.
gVec< T > operator- (T val) const
 Returns a vector containing the difference between the vector and a scalar.
gVec< T > operator- (const gVec< T > &v) const
 Returns the difference between two vectors.
BaseArray< T > & operator-= (T)
 Subtracts a value to all elements.
gVec< T > & operator-= (const gVec< T > &v)
 In-place subtraction to a vector.
gVec< T > operator/ (T val) const
 Returns a vector containing the division of the vector by a scalar.
gVec< T > operator/ (const gVec< T > &) const
 Returns the element by element division between two vectors.
BaseArray< T > & operator/= (T)
 Divides all elements by a scalar.
gVec< T > & operator/= (const gVec< T > &)
 In-place element by element division by a vector.
gVec< T > & operator= (const gVec< T > &other)
 Assignment operator.
gVec< T > & operator= (const T &val)
 Sets all elements of the vector to the value specified in val.
const T & operator[] (unsigned long i) const
 Returns a const reference to the i-th element.
T & operator[] (unsigned long i)
 Returns a reference to the i-th element.
void randomize ()
 Initializes the vector with pseudo-random values.
gVec< T > & reciprocal () const
 Returns vector's multiplicative inverse.
void resize (unsigned long n)
 Resizes the vector to length n.
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &, const unsigned int) const
 Serializes the vector to a generic archive.
void set (const T *v, unsigned long n, unsigned long start=0)
 Copies n elements of a given vector v to this vector starting from start.
void set (const gVec< T > &v, unsigned long start=0)
 Copies all elements of a given vector v to the vector starting from start.
BaseArray< T > & setReciprocal ()
 In-place multiplicative inverse of each element.
BaseArray< T > & subtract (const BaseArray< T > &)
 In-place subtraction to a vector.
gVec< T > subvec (unsigned int len, unsigned int start=0) const
 Returns a subvector containing all values beginning from start.
sum () const
 Returns the sum of all elements in the vector.
virtual std::string what () const
 Returns a string description of the vector.

Static Public Member Functions

static gVec< T > rand (unsigned long n=0)
 Returns a n-length vector initialized with pseudo-random values.
static gVec< T > zeros (unsigned long n=0)
 Returns a vector of all zeros.

Protected Member Functions

void alloc (unsigned long n)
 Allocates the n elements data buffer.

Protected Attributes

T * data
 Pointer to the data buffer.
bool isowner
 Flag indicating whether vector has ownership of (and has to deallocate in destructor) the pointed buffer or not.
unsigned long size
 Data buffer length.


class boost::serialization::access
template<typename U >
gVec< U > operator* (U val, const gVec< U > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the multiplication of a vector by a scalar.
template<typename U >
gVec< U > operator+ (U val, const gVec< U > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the sum between a vector and a scalar.
template<typename U >
gVec< U > operator- (U val, const gVec< U > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the difference between a vector and a scalar.
template<typename U >
gVec< U > operator/ (U val, const gVec< U > &v)
 Returns a vector containing the division of a vector by a scalar.
template<typename U >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const gVec< U > &)
 Writes vector's information and data to a stream.
template<typename U >
bool operator== (const BaseArray< U > &, const U &)
 Checks if all elements in a vector are equal to a given value.
template<typename U >
bool operator== (const gVec< U > &, const U &)
 Checks if all elements in a vector are equal to a given value.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class gurls::gVec< T >

Template Parameters:
TCells type.

Definition at line 70 of file gvec.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T >
gurls::gVec< T >::gVec ( T *  buf,
unsigned long  n,
bool  ownership = true 

If ownership == true the class will take the ownership of the buffer

Definition at line 51 of file gvec.hpp.

    if (owner) {
        this->set(buf, n);
    } else {
        this->isowner = owner;
        this->size = n;
        this->data = buf;

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