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C++ Implementation of GURLS Matlab Toolbox
GPRWrapper is the sub-class of GurlsWrapper that implements ...
#include <gprwrapper.h>
Public Types | |
enum | KernelType { RBF, LINEAR } |
Public Member Functions | |
gMat2D< T > * | eval (const gMat2D< T > &X) |
Estimates label for an input matrix. | |
gMat2D< T > * | eval (const gMat2D< T > &X, gMat2D< T > &vars) |
Estimates label for an input matrix. | |
virtual T | eval (const gVec< T > &X, unsigned long *index=NULL) |
Estimates label for a new input point. | |
virtual const GurlsOptionsList & | getOpt () const |
Returns a const reference to the options structure. | |
GPRWrapper (const std::string &name) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual void | loadModel (const std::string &fileName) |
Loads a computed model from a file. | |
virtual void | saveModel (const std::string &fileName) |
Saves the computed model to file. | |
virtual void | setKernelType (KernelType value) |
virtual void | setNparams (unsigned long value) |
virtual void | setNSigma (unsigned long value) |
virtual void | setParam (double value) |
virtual void | setProblemType (ProblemType value) |
virtual void | setSigma (double value) |
virtual void | setSplitProportion (double value) |
void | train (const gMat2D< T > &X, const gMat2D< T > &y) |
Initial parameter selection and training. | |
~GPRWrapper () | |
Destructor. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | trainedModel () |
Checks if model has already been trained. | |
Protected Attributes | |
KernelType | kType |
Kernel type used in train and eval. | |
std::string | name |
Name of the options structure. | |
GurlsOptionsList * | norm |
GurlsOptionsList * | opt |
Options structure where information about initial training is stored. | |
ProblemType | probType |
Problem type. |
Definition at line 22 of file gprwrapper.h.
gurls::GPRWrapper< T >::GPRWrapper | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
name | Name of the option's structure that will be initialized |
Definition at line 14 of file gprwrapper.hpp.
: KernelWrapper<T>(name), norm(NULL) { }
gMat2D< T > * gurls::GPRWrapper< T >::eval | ( | const gMat2D< T > & | X | ) | [virtual] |
[in] | X | Input matrix |
Implements gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >.
Definition at line 123 of file gprwrapper.hpp.
{ gMat2D<T> vars; return eval(X, vars); }
gMat2D< T > * gurls::GPRWrapper< T >::eval | ( | const gMat2D< T > & | X, |
gMat2D< T > & | vars | ||
) |
[in] | X | Input matrix |
Definition at line 131 of file gprwrapper.hpp.
{ gMat2D<T> empty; NormTestZScore<T> normTask; PredGPRegr<T> predTask; GurlsOptionsList *normX = normTask.execute(X, empty, *(norm)); gMat2D<T> &Xresc = normX->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("X"); PredKernelTrainTest<T> predkTrainTest; this->opt->removeOpt("predkernel"); this->opt->addOpt("predkernel", predkTrainTest.execute(Xresc, empty, *(this->opt))); GurlsOptionsList *pred = predTask.execute(Xresc, empty, *(this->opt)); delete normX; OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >* pmeans = pred->getOptAs<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("means"); pmeans->detachValue(); gMat2D<T> &predMeans = pmeans->getValue(); gMat2D<T> &predVars = pred->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("vars"); const unsigned long n = predMeans.rows(); const unsigned long t = predMeans.cols(); T* column = predMeans.getData(); const T* std_it = norm->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("stdY").getData(); const T* mean_it = norm->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("meanY").getData(); const T* pvars_it = predVars.getData(); vars.resize(n, t); T* vars_it = vars.getData(); for(unsigned long i=0; i<t; ++i, column+=n, ++std_it, ++mean_it, vars_it+=n) { scal(n, *std_it, column, 1); axpy(n, (T)1.0, mean_it, 0, column, 1); copy(vars_it, pvars_it, n); scal(n, (*std_it)*(*std_it), vars_it, 1); } delete pred; return &predMeans; }
T gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::eval | ( | const gVec< T > & | X, |
unsigned long * | index = NULL |
) | [virtual, inherited] |
[in] | X | Input point |
[out] | index | Index of the estimated label |
Definition at line 26 of file wrapper.hpp.
{ if(!trainedModel()) throw gException("Error, Train Model First"); gMat2D<T>X_mat(1, X.getSize()); copy(X_mat.getData(), X.getData(), X.getSize()); gMat2D<T>* pred_mat = eval(X_mat); const T* pred = pred_mat->getData(); const unsigned long size = pred_mat->getSize(); const T* max = std::max_element(pred, pred+size); T ret = *max; if(index != NULL) *index = max-pred; delete pred_mat; return ret; }
void gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::loadModel | ( | const std::string & | fileName | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
fileName | name of the file containing the data to load |
Definition at line 61 of file wrapper.hpp.
void gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::saveModel | ( | const std::string & | fileName | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
fileName | name of the file where data will be saved |
Definition at line 55 of file wrapper.hpp.
void gurls::KernelWrapper< T >::setKernelType | ( | typename KernelWrapper< T >::KernelType | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
value |
Definition at line 129 of file wrapper.hpp.
{ kType = value; // std::string &type = this->opt->template getOptValue<OptString>("kernel.type"); // switch(value) // { // case RBF: // type = std::string("rbf"); // case LINEAR: // type = std::string("linear"); // case CHISQUARED: // type = std::string("chisquared"); // } }
void gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::setNparams | ( | unsigned long | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
[in] | value |
Definition at line 67 of file wrapper.hpp.
void gurls::KernelWrapper< T >::setNSigma | ( | unsigned long | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
value |
Definition at line 161 of file wrapper.hpp.
void gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::setParam | ( | double | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
[in] | value |
Reimplemented in gurls::NystromWrapper< T >.
Definition at line 79 of file wrapper.hpp.
{ if(!opt->hasOpt("paramsel")) opt->addOpt("paramsel", new GurlsOptionsList("paramsel")); if(opt->hasOpt("paramsel.lambdas")) opt->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("paramsel.lambdas").getData()[0] = (T)value; else { gMat2D<T> * lambdas = new gMat2D<T>(1,1); lambdas->getData()[0] = (T)value; opt->getOptAs<GurlsOptionsList>("paramsel")->addOpt("lambdas", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*lambdas)); } setNparams(1); }
void gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::setProblemType | ( | typename GurlsWrapper< T >::ProblemType | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
[in] | value |
Definition at line 103 of file wrapper.hpp.
{ probType = value; opt->getOptValue<OptString>("hoperf") = (value == CLASSIFICATION)? "macroavg": "rmse"; }
void gurls::KernelWrapper< T >::setSigma | ( | double | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
value |
Definition at line 147 of file wrapper.hpp.
void gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::setSplitProportion | ( | double | value | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
[in] | value |
Definition at line 97 of file wrapper.hpp.
{ opt->getOptValue<OptNumber>("hoproportion") = value; }
void gurls::GPRWrapper< T >::train | ( | const gMat2D< T > & | X, |
const gMat2D< T > & | y | ||
) | [virtual] |
X | Input data matrix |
Y | Labels matrix |
Implements gurls::KernelWrapper< T >.
Definition at line 24 of file gprwrapper.hpp.
{ this->opt->removeOpt("split"); this->opt->removeOpt("optimizer"); if(norm != NULL) { delete norm; norm = NULL; } NormZScore<T> taskNorm; norm = taskNorm.execute(X, y, *(this->opt)); const unsigned long nlambda = static_cast<unsigned long>(this->opt->getOptAsNumber("nlambda")); const unsigned long nsigma = static_cast<unsigned long>(this->opt->getOptAsNumber("nsigma")); OptTaskSequence *seq = new OptTaskSequence(); GurlsOptionsList * process = new GurlsOptionsList("processes", false); OptProcess* process1 = new OptProcess(); process->addOpt("one", process1); this->opt->addOpt("seq", seq); this->opt->addOpt("processes", process); // this->opt->printAll(); if(this->kType == KernelWrapper<T>::LINEAR) { if(nlambda > 1ul) { *seq << "split:ho" << "kernel:linear" << "paramsel:hogpregr"; *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave; } else if(nlambda == 1ul) { if(this->opt->hasOpt("paramsel.lambdas")) { *seq << "kernel:linear"; *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave; } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for the regularization parameter, calling setParam(value)"); } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for NParam, calling setNParam(value)"); } else if(this->kType == KernelWrapper<T>::RBF) { if(nlambda > 1ul) { if(nsigma > 1ul) { *seq << "split:ho" << "paramsel:siglamhogpregr" << "kernel:rbf"; *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave; } else if(nsigma == 1ul) { if(this->opt->hasOpt("paramsel.sigma")) { *seq << "split:ho" << "kernel:rbf" << "paramsel:hogpregr"; *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave; } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for the kernel parameter, calling setSigma(value)"); } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for NSigma, calling setNSigma(value)"); } else if(nlambda == 1ul) { if(nsigma == 1ul) { if(this->opt->hasOpt("paramsel.sigma") && this->opt->hasOpt("paramsel.lambdas")) { *seq << "kernel:rbf"; *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave; } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for kernel and regularization parameters, calling setParam(value) and setSigma(value)"); } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for NSigma, calling setNSigma(value)"); } else throw gException("Please set a valid value for NParam, calling setNParam(value)"); } *seq << "optimizer:rlsgpregr"; *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave; GURLS G; G.run(norm->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("X"), norm->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("Y"), *(this->opt), "one"); }
bool gurls::GurlsWrapper< T >::trainedModel | ( | ) | [protected, virtual, inherited] |
value | |
value |
Definition at line 111 of file wrapper.hpp.